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Taehyung's point of view

Everyday that passes by, it becomes harder for me to hold myself from wanting her.

I want her to like me back.

I want her to be mine.

But, things are just not that way.....

When will I ever stop putting myself in such situations because of my heart.

Like yesterday, I was about to kiss Mina, but I couldn't because I knew that she didn't like me back.

I knew the consequences that I would have to face so I chose to avoid them instead.

When will I get over her?

Will I even be able to?

I shoved my headphones in my ears and laid my head on the pillow.

A nap is what I need right now.

End of point of view

I was sitting down on the table, playing around with my food when I heard my phone buzz.

"Is it your mom?" Mark asked me as I grabbed my phone.


I texted my mom back, telling her that I will talk to Taehyung soon.

She keeps on pushing me, I wish I didn't tell her.

I smiled to myself as Mark gave me a weird look.

"Mark, what would you do it you had a friend that is too afraid to be honest about how she or he feels?"

"Well she needs to let it out and tell that guy about how she feels" I widened my eyes at his words.

How does he know?

"Mina, I'm not dumb, you've been daydreaming all day, it's pretty obvious that Taehyung did something" he smiled mischievously and continued eating,

I stayed quiet and looked down at my food.

You know what?

I'm done lying to myself.

I have feelings for him.

But, I don't know what to do about it.

Do I actually want something to happen?

Or should I just let things go and focus on school?

No, I should talk to him and we can then decide what we both want.

It shouldn't be that hard....

I texted Taehyung when I was on my way out of my last lecture.

He has apparently stayed home all day, which is something I also need to do.

I told him that I'm on my way to his house before shoving my phone into my purse.

"Hey Mina" I turned my head and saw Lena approaching me.

"I need a ride home" she smiled innocently at me as I just stared blankly at her.

"Just get in" I just want to drive her home and then go see Taehyung.

It feels like I need to talk to him as soon as possible and just get everything off my chest.

"Mina" I shook my head and gave Lena a glance before focusing back on the road again.

"What's on your mind?"

"I'll tell you later okay?" Lena stayed quiet for a second before forcing me to swear that I'll not hide anything from her.

"Finally, we're here, now get your dumb ass out"

"Thanks again" she blew me a kiss and left.

My smile disappeared the second I realized that I was actually going to fave reality and tell Taehyung everything about the way I feel.

I gulped nervously as my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

I hope this goes well.
"What took you so long?" Taehyung pouted as soon as he opened the door, letting me in.

"Lena needed a ride"

He hummed in response as we silently made our way to the living room.

My eyes couldn't leave his alluring brown eyes.



"What do you think of us as just friends?"

"Mina, I have thought about it for a while now and I seem to be falling in love with you more and more each day" My eyes softened at his words, making my heart beat raise to the roof.

"These past few days, I've been trying to keep my sanity and control myself around you, but it's difficult when everything about you is perfect"

My cheeks light on fire by his words as I looked away, his eyes weren't helping me calm down.

"Mina, look at me"

When I turned my head to look at him, my breath hitched by how close he was.

"Now tell me how you feel about us" He said with the most soothing voice ever.

"Taehyung, I've been lying this whole time" He furrowed his eyebrows at me, confused as hell.


"I like you, but I kept denying it although deep down I knew it, I knew that I had feelings for you"

"I knew that you were more than a friend to me"

The second I finished my sentence, it felt like a thousand bricks have been removed off my chest.

Taehyung, on the other side, was just blankly staring at me.

"Did you just say you like me?" He raised his eyebrows as his eyes widened a bit.

I nodded slowly, nervous about what he's going to say.

"Mina, you, like me?" he pointed at me and then back at him like a lost kid.

"Are you kidding?"

"No, what the hell"

I heard him mutter things to himself, but it was too inaudible for me to hear.

What is wrong with this boy?

"Are you sure you like me?"

"How many times have I said so, yes I do!" I exclaimed frustratingly as I threw my hands in the air.

"Okay then what do you want us to do about it?"

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