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Okay 10 minutes

10 minutes will be more than enough for me to be their by time right?

I panicked and ran to my front door, sliding my shoes at the speed of light.

''Honey, hurry up you'll be late'' Mom yelled and popped her head out of the kitchen door.

''Goodbye'' I slammed the door shut and ran to the car.

I started the engine and flew off to college.


''Class dismissed'' The professor said as I immediately grabbed my bag, on my way to go out.

I was rushing out to the hallway, passing through the students harshly.

I bumped into someone's shoulders causing me to fall on my flat ass.

I groaned from the sudden impact and the stinging pain in my back.

''Are you okay?''

I looked up to the familiar boy who was handing me his hand.

I took it shyly and stood up, dusting my clothes.

''Thank you'' i looked down, embarrassed to even look at him.

''No probs, I mean it was my fault''

''No, I was rushing out like an idiot'' He chuckled at my words and our eyes met.

''D-do I perhaps know you?'' I asked in an unsure tone.

''I'm new here, but you could know me.....'' I gave him a confused look.

''If you were a stalker'' He blurted out, causing me to burst out laughing.

''What's your name?'' He asked me with a soft smile as I looked up at him.

''Mina'' I removed a strand from my hair.

''Well Mina, would you like to go eat lunch together''.

''I' I don't k-''

''Don't worry, I don't bite'' I giggled at his words.

What a guy am I right?

''It's Mark by the way'' He run a hand through his hair.

''Okay then Mark I would love to go eat lunch with you but under one circumstance'' I stated with a cheeky smile.

''Which is?'' He raised an eyebrow.

''Don't touch my food'' I warned him sarcastically as he chuckled.

''I promise'' Mark raised his hands in defense, smiling at me.

His smile is intimidating woah.

We went to the cafeteria, getting to know each other more.

''So, you're dream is to be a famous DJ?''

''Pretty much yeah'' He shrugged and took a bite of his sandwich.

''and yours is?''

''Oh, mine is to be a well known CEO of a huge company'' I smiled at the thought of me actually achieving my own dream.

''Mina" I snapped back from my day dreaming session to see Taehyung standing next to our table.

"I have been looking everywhere for you'' He breathed out, giving Mark a suspicious look.

''Oh, I was here the whole time. By the way Mark this is Taehyung. Taehyung this is Mark'' I introduced them to one other.

''Calculus is about to start let's go'' V dragged me away as I then waved goodbye to Mark.

Without You • K.THDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora