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We entered the restaurant, the smell of food hit my nose immediately.

His parents were sitting at a table in the left corner of the big fancy restaurant.

As Taehyung and I were walking towards the table, my eyes couldn't stop looking round.

This restaurant looked really luxurious and expensive.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Kim" I bowed at them before sitting down across of Taehyung.

His mom was next to me while Taehyung and his dad were across of me.

"How have you been Mina?" His mom smiled at me, placing her hand over mine and rubbing it slowly.

"Never been better"

"How is the university? Are you and Taehyung doing well"

I averted my gaze to Taehyung, his eyes were still serious.

He was quiet, not a single word left his mouth as he took a sip of his water.

"Yeah, we've been studying hard" I cleared my throat and smiled at them again.

After a few minutes, a waiter came and asked for our order.

The waiter wrote down everything and left after a few seconds.

His mom and dad started their own conversation, leaving me with Taehyung.

"You've not been yourself since you showed up at my house, what's wrong?

He kept on staring at me with the same expression he had when I first saw him today.

What the hell is wrong with him?

Have I done something wrong?

I was getting frustrated, wondering what was wrong with him.

The waiter came back with our food.

That was fast.

It was pretty quiet while we were eating.

I was too engulfed with the taste of the food, it was beyond delicious.

I can't describe how tasty it was, the juicy steak and the ever so smooth and creamy mashed potatoes along with the roasted vegetables were simple perfection.

It was a match made in heaven.

I took my time to devour the taste from every bite.

The food was that good.
The night came eventually to an end.

His parents were really nice and open to me.

They made me feel like I was a part of their family too.

I bid his parents goodbye and left with Taehyung to his car.

He still hasn't said a word.

I'm not letting this go.

I don't think I'm even going to be able to sleep if I don't get to know what was bothering him.

The ride was as quiet as it was when we were on our way to the restaurant earlier tonight.

He parked the car in front of my house

I turned my head towards him as soon as I grabbed the handle if the door.

"Come" he looked at me confusingly, but eventually got what I meant.

I left his car and headed to the door, he was following me from behind silently.

I unlocked the door and got inside, taking my shoes off as I walked to the living room.

"We need to talk" I said as I sat down on the couch.

"About what?"

Oh so now he has the ability to talk.

"Don't act dumb, what's wrong?" I asked, nervousness making it's way to my heart.

"Nothing" He looked away, his jaw clenched.

"Oh really as if I would believe that, I'm not gonna ask again now tell me what the hell is  wrong?" I raised my voice a bit.

I'm starting to get really impatient.

"You know what's wrong, what was Mark doing at your house??" He yelled, his veins popping from his neck, eyes focusing on mine.

I was taken back by his yelling, he looked so mad and scary.

But then realization hit me.

Mark? What has Mark anything to do with him being mad?

"What has Mark anything to do with this??" I exclaimed, my eyebrows furrowed at him.

"Why was he here?" He clenched his teeth aggressively.

"He wanted to hang out with me, what the hell is wrong with that??Why are you mad??" I yelled frustratingly, anger slowly building up in me.

"Just forget it" He stood up and left, slamming my front door shut.

I held my head, gripping on the roots of my hair tightly.

I'm confused.



He was asking why Mark was here and what he was doing.

What does he have to do with who I hang out with and what I do.


Is he perhaps jealous?

No, I don't think so.

Then why was he so mad?

Why did he mention Mark?

At the same time, why the hell would he be jealous??

He is so confusing.

I don't get why he would care so much.

My head started to hurt from all my thoughts.

I'll deal with it later. 

I need to sleep, but I won't.

Not when I just fought with Taehyung.

Not when I feel like shit.

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