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"Ugh....I'm seriously running out of conclusions" I yelled frustratingly and looked over at Lena.

She kept quiet, still deep in her thoughts.

We are both throwing a huge party at her house and we are in serious need of help.

We are 19 which means we are underaged and we can't buy any alcohol so we are now trying to think of someone who can help us with this issue.

"Woah I know who can help us" She exclaimed excitingly while clapping her hands.

"That group of guys in Psychology class" Lena snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"What...no we don't trust them. What if they tell on us and we get in trouble" I replied angrily and stood up.

"No they won't I'm friends with one of them"

"Oh really who?" I asked sarcastically, not buying her dumb shit.


"Just please trust me on this....I promise you nothing bad will happen" I sighed deeply and looked at my best friend.

"Uff fine" I gave up and agreed, knowing that we are out of options.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I reached for my phone and grabbed it.

"1 day left" I excitedly whispered to myself and got up from bed.

I took a shower, ate breakfast and changed my clothes before hurrying over to my front door to grab my bag.

I aggressively searched for my car keys after going out and locking the door. I finally found it and unlocked the car and got inside.

I took a quick check at myself in the car mirror before staring the engine and driving off to college.

"Good morning class" Our math professor greeted and directly started lecture.

I was writing down notes when I heard my phone buzz.

I took it out from my jeans pocket and unlocked it.

When is your last class over?

I sighed and texted Lena back, telling her that I'll be back home around 4 o'clock.

After my Math and Architecture classes were finally over, I rushed back home because of how hungry I am right now.

I heard the door knocking while I was hungrily preparing my ramen noodles.

"Hurry up out, I'm waiting in the car" I confusingly looked at her as she went back to her car.

"What why??? I haven't eaten yet" I yelled back as she then rolled down her car window.

"Get your fat ass over here we'll eat soon"

I irritatingly went to the kitchen and turned the stove off before sliding my shoes on.

I locked the door and hurried to Lena's car.

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked Lena as soon as I buckled my belt.

"To feed your hungry ass and then we're gonna meet that group I told you about"

"What?? I thought you already handled that shit" I stated and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well no I didn't"

"Ugh....why do you always postpone things until the last minute" Lena was staring to get on my nerves.

"Chill everything will work out just as I planned" I took a deep breath and ignored what she just said.

Minutes later, she parked the car in front of a famous restaurant.

We ordered immediately after we sat down on one of the many tables.

Lena thanked the waiter after he came back with our dishes as I then started digging in as if I haven't eaten in days.

"Slow down, the food isn't going anywhere" I giggled at her comment and continued eating.

"Hurry up, Jimin just texted me saying that him and the boys are waiting for us by the park"

I nodded in response and quickly finished my food before we got outside the restaurant and walked to the nearby park.

As soon as we reached the entrance to the park we could see the seven of them standing by the benches.

I took a deep breath and hoped that neither one of us gets raped today like I'm not exaggerating we barely know them.

Well I barely know them, according to Lena Jimin is one of her friends.

"Ayy Lena, you're finally here" Jimin left his friends and approached the two of us.

He gave her a quick hug and before I even got to say anything he stretched his arm out and introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Mina" I greeted him back.

I got to admit that Jimin was really nice and friendly, I wonder how the rest are.

Each and every one of them introduced themselves separately.

One of them had the nickname Rap monster which I found hilarious but it turns out his real name is Namjoon thankfully because I don't think I would be able to hold my laugh every time I heard that nickname.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I totally missed out on what Lena was talking about with them.

"I still don't get why you need that much amount of alcohol" Suga said confusingly as Lena then looked over at him.

"Oh, It's for a huge party we're throwing at my house tomorrow night" Lena exclaimed excitedly, earning a smirk from a few of them.

"Oh a party you say....aren't we invited?" I'm guessing it was V who said that.

I kept my mouth shut, hoping that Lena doesn't invite those strangers to her house.

"W-well I think it's a-" She was taking too long so I cut her off immediately.

"Why would we invite a bunch of guys we barely know to our party" I boringly stated as that V guy walked closer to the two of us.

"Oh I see but I definitely wouldn't want to see the two of you getting in any kind of trouble so it's your choice"

Is he serious?? I knew something like this would happen.

"Listen ignore her, I myself never said that you guys aren't invited to the party" My eyes widened at my stupid dumb ass friend of mine.

They all cheered and I saw Lena smiling widely, she can't be serious what the hell is wrong with her.

"I'll text you the details Jimin, see you guys at the party goodbye" I dragged her away from them furiously.

"Why the hell did you invite them Lena, we barely know them" I angrily asked as we walked back to her car.

"Stop exaggerating things, it'll be fine" She calmly replied and started the engine.

I breathed out my anger and rested my head on the glass window of her car.

I hope you are right Lena because I'm too young to get kidnapped or raped.
Did you like the first chapter? I'm so excited to see how this fanfic is going to turn out. Don't forget to comment and vote. Show me some love y'all. Have a great day! byeeeee💗

Without You • K.THTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang