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Taehyung's point of view

"We haven't hung out in a while right?" Mina averted her gaze from the TV to me.

"Should we go somewhere tomorrow?" I suggested, trying to think of a place that we haven't been to yet.

"An amusement park?" She yelled and widened her eyes in excitement.

"Let's take my car, I'll pick you up at 12, you better be up"

"I will, I promise" She smiled sheepishly, her cheeks slightly pink.

"Great, then I'll see you tomorrow, I have some shit to deal with" I stood up from the couch and headed to the door with her following my steps.

"Don't be late" She pouted like a child as I opened the door.

"I won't, I promise" I bit my lip and smiled before biding her goodbye.

I headed to my car, unlocking it before getting in the driver's seat.

I didn't have anything to do actually, I just wanted some time to think...alone.

I got out of my car and got inside the cafe, the smell of coffee filled my nose as I stood in front of the cashier.

"One caramel iced latte"

Two minutes later, she came back with my drink.

"Have a nice day sir" I bid her goodbye and left, walking to the near park there.

I breathed in the fresh air and looked around the sunny playground.

Kids, adults and elders were here, everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.

As I was admiring how beautiful this park was, the grass, the fountain, how everything was simply yelling "beauty", a couple sitting underneath a tree caught my attention.

The girl was laying her head on his lap as he was running his hands through her hair.

My imagination ran free.

Pictures of Mina and I flooded my head.

My feelings for her are growing more and more each and every day.

I just can't seem to see her as just a friend.

I know she's more.

A lot more.

But I don't want to admit it to myself.....

I don't want to lose her, ever.

What should I do then?

Ignore my feelings?

I tried doing that but it doesn't work, not when I care about Mina that much.

Not when I'm falling for her more and more each day.

Guess there's just one way left.

End of point of view

I got up from the couch and headed back to my room.

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