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I was on my way to the cafeteria after my Biology class.

I bought a salad and looked around, searching for a place to sit.

I saw Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung sitting by themselves at one of the tables.

I walked up to them with a smile on my face as V noticed me coming.

"Hey Mina, where's Lena?" Jimin asked as soon as I sat down next to Yoongi.

"Good morning to you too Jimin" I sarcastically stated and received a chuckle from him.

"I think she has Calculus" He excused himself immediately and ran to god knows where.

"Hey gummy"

"Hey mini" I chuckled at the cringey nickname yoongi gave me.

We carried on talking and making jokes as I didn't even have time to finish my salad.

"Where's V?" I asked as I looked at the empty seat across of me.

He was just here, why did he leave so suddenly?

Why didn't I notice him leaving? Is it because I was too busy talking to Suga?

I started making assumptions in my head, still wondering why he left.

"I think he has class" Yoongi said as I just shrugged it off and continued eating my salad.
"Class dismissed" Professor James said and we all headed out.

"I shoved my Literature book in my bag and headed to the door.

I saw a familiar back, knowing who it was I rushed over to him.

He looked at me with a blank expression as I grabbed his arm.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I asked as we both walked side by side.


"Then why did you leave so suddenly?" I asked him with my eyebrows raised as we walked out of the building.

"For no reason" I huffed annoyingly at his statement and stood in front of him.

"I think I know why" I stated cheekily as an idea popped in my head.

"Was it because Yoongi and I left you out of the conversation?" He stayed quiet and I looked up at his innocent face.

"Aww look at you getting upset over a tiny thing" I squeezed his cheeks and he looked at me with a smile.

"I'll make it up to you" I said and gave him a warm smile.

"How exactly?" He asked and cleared his throat.

"Well not today because we have that huge exam tomorrow"

"Hmm how about Saturday night?" I suggested and received a nod from him.

"I'm so failing this exam tomorrow" He mumbled frustratingly and sighed.

"No you aren't" I said and lightly hit his shoulder.

"You know what?" I exclaimed excitedly as a great idea popped in my head.

"Why don't you come over to my house. I am done with studying it's just that I need to revise a few things"


"I'll help you plus it's not just for your own sake" he gave me a confused look.

"It helps me memorize much easier" He raised an eyebrow up at my statement.

"Okay then, good luck handling my stupidity" He bluffed out and I looked at him immediately.

"Stop being so negative" I slapped his arm.
"You live alone?"Taehyung  asked as he took off his shoes.

"Yes, I'm pretty lonely. My parens are always abroad" I said as I made my way to the kitchen, with him following after me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him and took out two ramen bowls.

"Starving" I giggled and started boiling water.

I placed the two bowls of ramen on a tray and went to the living room.

I sat next to V on the couch as we both took our books out and started studying.

"Ok so what do you find difficult?" I asked and took a sip of my ramen broth.

We ended up studying for 3 hours, I helped Taehyung a lot but he did a pretty good job handling it on his own.

"These jeans are killing me. Take advantage of this time while I change and review everything. I'll be testing you when I come back"

"Yes miss" I smiled at him and went to my room.

I took a quick shower and changed into some gray shorts and a black top before hurrying downstairs again.

"You done?" He jumped from his place and fell off the couch causing me to burst out laughing.

"Stop...it hurts" I held his arm and helped him up.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt your lovely feelings" He threw me a death glare and sat down again.

"I'm kidding now are you done or not?" I sat next to him and reached for his book.

"All ready" He gestured for me to start as I then cleared my throat and started examining him.

"I'll guarantee you a really good grade if you do this well on the exam tomorrow"

"Thank you, I really do appreciate it" He said with a wide smile on his face.

"Stop being so formal" I chuckled and grabbed the two empty bowls of ramen.

I excused myself and went to do the dishes.

I dried my hands as soon as I was done with the dishes and went back to the living room.


He didn't move an inch, how fast does this boy fall asleep.

He was angelically sleeping on the couch with the book still in his hand.

I took away all the books that were laying on the couch and laid him down on the couch, covering him with a blanket before going upstairs.

I did my night routine and threw myself on the bed.

I covered myself with the blanket and sunk into the matress before falling asleep.
I feel really cozy right now, I just want to sleep....anyways don't forget to vote And have an amazing day/night. Goodbye❤️

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