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"I'm almost ready, are you?" I hurriedly put some lips gloss on before brushing my hair.

"Always" Lena said as she barged inside my bedroom.

"Okay, do I look good" I asked Lena, who was currently sitting down on my bed.

"Why? You trying to impress someone?" She teasingly said while looking up and down my body.

"Funny, aren't you?" I gave her a death glare and grabbed my bag.

"You look good, you really do" Lena said as I checked myself one more time in the mirror.

"Thanks but we really gotta go"

I turned the light off and followed her outside, making sure that I locked my front door.

We entered our separate cars and headed to Taehyung's place.
"Are the others here?" I asked Lena as we walked towards his house.

"I think so"

I knocked softly on the door and the door opened immediately, revealing Jimin.

"Seriously?" I stated awkwardly as Jimin and Lena started making out.

"Horny asses" I mumbled under my breath and went inside.

I was greeted by all the goofs.

Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok were all sitting in the living room...

Taking shots.

"I see you're already drinking"

"Aren't we always" Namjoon said as he took another shot.

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked them, wondering why he hasn't showed up yet.

"He's upstairs, in his room"

I turned my back and left the living room, making my way up the stairs.

There were 5 doors, 3 on the left and 2 on the right.

The house was big for someone living alone.

I saw a door slightly opened, assuming he was in there I softly knocked on the door and entered.

I saw him standing in front a huge glass window while he blankly starred through it.

I don't think he heard me coming in.


He snapped back to reality and turned his head towards me.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, he's been a bit off these past few days.

"Yeah, why do I look sick?" He ran to the mirror and examined his eyes.

I shook my head slowly while giggling at his childish action.

"Taehyung, if there's something bothering you, I'm here"

He turned his back, his eyes meeting mine as he started approached me.

My stomach started doing flips, why am I nervous???

Without You • K.THOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant