Chapter 33 It's not personal...well maybe it is

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I woke up to the feeling of drowning as water invaded my lungs, it felt like the water fell forever but in reality it was seconds. I coughed shaking my head as the icy water dripped from my face and hair. I felt my hands bound behind the wooden chair I was sitting in by a thick rope that was slicing into my wrists. My feet were tied down as well with the rope cutting into my ankles and a thick cold metal chain going around my unclothed torso. I felt like shit, my head felt like it weighed a ton like I couldn't lift it. Blood drooled from my mouth onto my track pants, my vision was blurring in and out my hearing was going to 100 hurting my ears and dropping back to 0 in seconds. I heard whistling, it was a mocking whistle. It took all my strength to look up my vision blurring. I just seen the figure of a tall, buff, tanned man.

"What do you want?" I wanted my tone to be harsh in vicious but it was weak and I couldn't help but go into a coughing attack.

"Where the fuck is Nick" I spat knowing if I didn't get him out of here alive Kat would have a my head on a silver platter. I heard something scrap the floor and my vision cleared and I seen Nick sitting across from me. He wore a reddish brown almost brick color suit with a black wife beater under and shitty dress shoes.

"Nick? Stop fucking around and untie me so we can get the hell out of here" I said annoyed by his sitting and staring. Why the fuck wasn't he untying me so I could get us out of here?

"Your not getting out of here LaMelo" He said making me look at him in confusion.

"This room, that chair will be where you die" He told me and I laughed shaking my head

"Clearly you haven't heard enough stories. I'll get us both out of here now figure out how to get me out" I spat at him. Each breath I took hurt because of this fucking chain and it was only making me angrier. I was starting to worry about Kat, god I hope she got to the car.

"Your more pathetic then I thought. You can't even see what's right in front of your face" I heard Tatum's voice. I looked over as the huge mental door slammed shut behind him, the room was disgusting. The walls were a disgusting white with dirt everywhere, the floor was grey tile that looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in months. There was a water tank in the farthest corner away from me. Across from me was a table and chair, cheap I am add, that Nick sat on with a confident smirk. There was no windows so I couldn't tell if it was day or night, Nick shook up with Tatum and then it all fell together. Nick not helping me, not really putting up a fight, not grabbing my perfectly loaded gun shooting. He was in on this but why?

"YOU FUCKING PLANNED THIS" I yelled groaning at the chain. I jerked around trying to get free, anger fueling my body. I swear I'm killing him, I don't give a shit how mad Kat gets or how much she hates me. It wouldn't be the first and she couldn't go anywhere even if she wanted too.

"Look at who finally caught on" Nick snickered at me as I thrashed around to get free.

"When I get out of here your dead" I growled and he looked over at Tatum

"I'm good here" He said and Tatum smirked at me leaning into my ear

"And I'm looking for that sexy claim. Don't worry you'll be alive until I find her and have my way with her" He hissed into my ear and I spit in his face wanting nothing more to beat both of them to a pulp. Tatum walked out leaving me with Nick, as I looked at him I just thought about all the way's I could kill him.

"You could have avoided all of this" He told me not getting up just staring me in the eye only making me angrier. He should be trembling in fear, I'm LaMelo fucking Ball.

"Really because you fuck heads came into my house" I growled at him

"You couldn't just leave her alone could you. It was simple you left my daughter alone and you could have went on but now you screwed both of us. I'm buying into a gang and well your going to die. It's not personal LaMelo" He told me and I looked at him like he was a idiot

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