Chapter 18 Family Drama

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"Kitten wake up" I heard LaMelo groan and shake my leg. I opened my eyes with a sigh to see we were laying weird. He was on his stomach and I laid across his back using his shoulder blade as a pillow and my feet were by my pillow.

"We always wake up so weird" I complained moving off him sighing at how much more comfortable the bed was then him.

"Your the one always laying across me" He defended but I scuffed

"Don't act like you don't crush me in the middle of the night. I just wake up and make you move so I can breath" I shot back at him playfully trying to go back to sleep but he moved over brushing hair out of my face.

"Your beautiful" He complimented kissing my head

"And your on 100 too early" I said monotone making him laugh.

"What do you feel for me?" He asked quietly almost insecure but I just wanted to sleep

"At the moment annoyance" I said but he made me roll over

"Now you know how I feel when you won't stop talking but seriously how do you feel?" He asked and I sighed looking up at him.

"I like you a lot. I couldn't picture being in this bed without you or walking down the street without you clinging to me. I don't think I'd be able to sleep without your warm safe arms around me at night or being able to hear you breathing next to me. I know a part of me needs to you feel complete, even if that means leaving behind people I love. Your world it's scary but yet I've never felt more secure in my life" I whispered touching his face, I traced my fingers up his jawline and cheek running my fingers through his floppy curls.

"You know what I call that?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow

"Love" He said with a smile kissing my lips. I smiled kissing him back

"I don't love you" I lied even to myself, but the sad part is I knew I was lying to myself. I was no longer fooled by my own facade and neither was he because he just hummed

"Whatever you do and your gonna admit it one day" He smiled rolling over. I rolled my eyes getting up grabbing a pair of shorts sliding them on.

"Where are you going?" LaMelo asked me

"I'm dying of thirst. So I'm going to get water and I'll be right back" I said kissing his lips quickly turning on my heels walking out. Was I in love with LaMelo? No, you can have a crush on him all you want but love is out of the question. He doesn't understand love, he kidnapped you because he thought he was going to love you. If you thought that you wouldn't do that to a person so no Kat your not allowed to love him. It's hard not to when he's literally the perfect person, the more we figure each other out and learn to co-exist the more he becomes the dream guy. The guy I've made up in my head since I was child. Caring, soft spoken (when he wanted to be), protective, warm strong arms, funny, beautiful. My thoughts were cut short by screaming coming from the kitchen.

"NO LAVAR I'M SORRY" I heard Tina scream. I ran into the kitchen to see Tina laying on the floor and Lavar throwing punches and kicking her. I gasped turning around

"LAMELO" I screamed running through the house and up the stairs so fast I almost fell.

"LAMELO" I screamed once again almost tripping by the bedroom but the door opened and LaMelo grabbed me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked worried

"Your dad is beating Tina. She's on the floor crying" I panicked and his face went stone hard. He went into the bedroom grabbing his gun. I followed him out panicking.

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