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*****Girls Pov*******

Paul left the room for the girls could talk. The girls chased Marisol in the room. 

Danielle: Marisol!!! Are you okay???

Marisol: No!!!

Diana: You know they will come back and see us. They will always come back and see us because they like us. They wouldn't just leave!!!

Danielle: Yeah, you see me an Eleanor as proof!!

Eleanor: How about Perrie?

Danielle: Yeah! Perrie, too. They never leave the ones they like left behind. They will give you plane tickets to visit all of us or they will visit you by surprise!!

Marisol: Okay!! Can we go somewhere??

Eleanor: Yeah!! Where??

*******Boys Pov*****

Niall ran everywhere looking for Marisol and the rest of the girls! So, he took a break and checked his twitter to see if they took pictures or tweeted where they were at. Niall seen that Danielle tweeted saying to Liam that they are at a resturant and that is it. Niall just sat there and called Liam for the rest of the boys could pick him up. 

Liam: Hello!

Niall: Hey Liam!! It's me Nialler!! Come pick me up??? Please!!!

Liam: Okay man where are you at?!?!?!

Niall: I am at the park where we hid under the bleachers where we hid from fans!!

Liam: I know what park you are talking about Niall!! We all will be there?!?!

Niall: Okay see ya!!!

Niall waited for the boys!! Then he seen an orange van coming towards him. He seen Louis driving in that orange van and then Harry was waving him to come in it!! Niall got in the van and then the boys started talking.

Harry: Did you find them???

Niall: No but Danielle tweeted to Liam that they are at a resturant!!

Liam: Really?? Yup she sure did!!!

Zayn: What resturant though??

Niall: Lets check Nandos!!!

Liam: Louis go to Nandos!!

Louis: Going to Nandos!!

The boys went to Nandos seeing cameras everywhere!! 

Niall: What up with fans being here?!?!?!

Liam: Danielle just tweeted me again!! She said Hey babe Nandos is good and yeah fans found us and wanna take pictures I don't know why!?!?! HA!

Louis: So how are we supposed to get in there??

Niall: We have to find our way in there!! I have to tell Marisol before we leave!!

Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis: Yes!!

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