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You woke up again listening to What Makes You Beautiful and you sing to it like Harry was there with you. You always quiet down when it is Harry part because you love how he sings that part. You never get tired of One Direction. You started to remember when you done that project with Marisol that dealt with One direction. You guys where haveing fun doing it but when you always left for home you wanted to do it again. You liked doing Harry part of the project because you never get tired of him. Marisol always teased you about it but you really didn't care because she love niall and you knew that so you always attack her with that. You always seen yourself and Marisol going out with Niall and Harry no matter what. You didn't care about the age difference.... you didn't care about the only cared about going out with your DREAM MAN. You went back to sleep because you were thinking to much about that.

morning: The sunlight wakes you up and you are excited that you have 0 days left to see your future boyfriend and friends. Tomorrow is a big day so you plan what you are going to wear. While you are planing that you put in your One Direction CD in Up All Night and you can't get enough of it. You think about what Harry likes and you have the perfect alphet and you couldn't wait until the concert tomorrow. You hear someone coming in your roo and you turn around to see your mom.


MOM: Turn the CD DOWN or i will break it while you are sleeping Little GIRL!!!!!

Diana: OK i will turn it down JUST don't RIP it please i will DIE WITHOUT THEM AND THERE VOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOM:okay i won't rip it but if you put it blasted on again you will get it and your CD to......and your phone is ringing

Diana:ok thatnks MOM....HELLO

KAREN and MArisol: HEY whats going i hear ONE DIRECTION yea buddie i love it

Diana: hey what is going on umm well picking out my alphet to match harry taste and listening to our hot boys,,,that we will marry one day

Marisol:YEA buddie you got that right

Karen: Sorry i am sticking with prince i am listening to prince royce right now

Marisol: i know i hear it is like a composition which one is going to win *cough* one direction

KAREN: no prince royce will win what are you talking about....anyways umm is diana still on with us

Marisol:yea i hear one direction in the background YO diana talk

Diana:sorry i was trying out my alphet and i cant wait ahhhh

KAren:arent you glad i gave you those tickets

Diana: yes i love it

Marisol: thanks karen you are freakin awesome and you are crazy o snap *BOOM*....*static* schhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

KARen:Marisol are you ok i heard a BOOM in the background and do i hear static...diana is she off

Diana:MARSIOL are you ok MARISOL

AFTER you said marisol a couple of times you hear beep beep beep beep....and they hung up on you

NUMBER 6 is coming this weekend

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