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After your mom told you that you can't invite your BFF you said uh-oh because you wanted to bring her soo bad.

Marisol called you because you had 3 days left to go see the boys or One Direction!

Marisol: Hey Diana so where are we going to meet for the concert?

Diana: Yeah about that my mom says she is going to drop me off and can your dad drop you off.

Marisol: Yeah, he can drop me off and what your mom doesn't like me or something

Diana: Yeah she doesn't like you but you could still go to the concert with me as long as she doesn't know

Marisol: WHAT! your mom doesn't like me. Why she doesn't like me did i do something wrong?

Diana: No, you only gave me posters and you let me hear your Cd that i blasted.

Marisol: Really, those are stupid reasons for her not to like me. Well how can i get her to like me again?

Diana: Well you could make her the best dinner ever and she will like you forever...then we could go to the concert together

Marisol: Well come over here my mom making dinner and invite your mom for they could know each other before the concert.

Diana: OK lets hope that this works...i got to call you back

Marisol: See you tonight then

You hung up with Marisol and went towards your mom to tell her about the dinner.

Diana: Mom can we go to Marisol house for dinner and for you could like her and trust me with her....I invited her to the concert and she is going with me nobody else...please mom

MOM: Yeah, we could go to her house and meet her i forgot to cook dinner anyways. Let's go darling if you really want to go to the concert with your BFF.

Diana: Thank you mom...Thank you thank you thank you...I LOVE YOU MOM..

You and your mom got ready to go over Marisol house. Plus, you can't wait to fangirl with her while your parents talk.You got into your moms car and you started driving to Marisol's house. You seen her playing with her friends outside of her house. She was having a party and your mom did not like that.

Marisol: Hey Diana glad for you to come late then never, Right?

Diana: Yeah, this is my mom and she is hungry soo....

Marisol:Yeah, right this way Diana's mom...this way please..

You guys went inside and found a surprise on how the house looked....

Well that is the end...PLEASE tell me if you liked it soo yeah FEEDBACK PLEASE

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