Niall's move...NO

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Marisol POV

While Harry was flirting with Diana I thought I should check out the place. So I walked away and I went to take a look at the place when I hear foot steps right behind me.

Person: Hey what up!!!

I looked back to see Niall running towards me so fast. I didn't know he was coming until I heard his footsteps.

Niall: Hey umm where are you going babe???

Marisol: Umm I want to check this place out...umm not to be rude but why do you call me babe???

Niall: You don't like it...I mean I thought..y...

Marisol: No I love it don't get me wrong but why you keep calling me it

Niall: Well i love your name but BABE sounds better when it comes to me...just sayin...

Marisol: Oh could call me babe then LLN

Niall: Well...that is awesome..babe just flows off of you...I don't get why your boyfriend doesn't call you everyday like he should..

Marisol: I don't have a boyfriend...i mean in my whole life i had 2 boyfriends but now they are my ex soo yea

Niall: I know what you don't have to explain to me...and they are losers for leaving you like that...well however they did...this is my favorite place just to relax...and this is the place where we just yell.

Marisol looked at what he was talking about and Marisol seen a room that is with one couch and well nothing else in it. Marisol sat on the couch while Niall told her about the one song that they made up in this room. While, Niall was blabbing about that Marisol heard him say girlfriend then Marisol came back to her sences.

Niall: that is why my girlfriend broke up with me

Marisol: Oh wow well she is stupid for doing are flawle...I mean awesome..I wonder why umm forget it but what you think Diana and Harry are doing.

Niall: OH well when we was on stage Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I told hime to give her the necklace because Harry really likes her like that....and well he wanted her to be his girlfriend. He seen this boy look at her and he got really...

Marisol: Jelly

Niall: Yeah...he had to go into another room and scream but instead of screaming he punched the wall and left a mark. See when Harry likes someone he will never give up on her and he didn't.

Marisol: Well did you ever do that for any girl??

Niall: I think we should be going back to the tour...

Marisol: Okay..yeah no problem

Niall showed her the kitchen, the beach, and this beautiful view that Marisol ever saw. The view showed everything. Marisol seen the beach, the concert, the stage, and resturants. The view was beautiful with the sun going down. All you seen in the sky was orange, purple, and blue. The sun hitting the water is like nature ready for a wild ride. Then Nialls comes up and say beautiful right.

Niall: Beautiful right? I come up here all the time just to be relaxed with all of the drama that happens. Like one time i went on twitter and seen #beliberand1Daredumb and i was like why would anybody say that...then our directioners and beliebers said beliebers and directioners are flawless and then i just smiled like they already know..

Marisol: Yeah, i commented on that...

Niall: Are you hungry...I know this great resturant that we could go to??

Marisol: Yea i am hungry...lets go...

Niall: Wait

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