Chapter 22- Down to buisness

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*****3 months later******

I pulled up to Grayson house. The one in the woods. He has moved out of the castle since Aspyn was born and back into his house.

I park my car and step out. His front door opens and out comes little Olivia. She runs towards me, I get down to her size and prepare for what is about to come.

She jumps up on me and wraps her arms around my neck. "You're finally back, it feels like you've been gone forever."

"2 weeks is not that long Olivia." Grayson says rolling his eyes at his little sister as he comes up behind her.

Olivia pulls away from our hug and turns to Grayson."Yes it is, especially since he has been coming to visit every week since Aspyn died." Olivia turns back to me. "Did she leave me a message?"

"Yes, she did." I answer her with a smile on my face. She quickly returns it.

"May I listen to it now?" I nod my head, and look my eyes straight into her eyes. She receives the message quickly and becomes really happy. She let's go of me and turn to Grayson to tell him the good news. "In 2 months you're going to see Aspyn right?"

"Yes, I am, but I'm not taking you." Grayson says looking down at Olivia.

"Yes you are A-." Olivia started but was cut off by Grayson.

"No I'm not."

"But Aspyn said too." She whines.

Grayson eyes quickly look at me looking for confirmation. I nod my head.

"Aspyn did say and I shall quote 'tell Grayson to bring Olivia and if he doesn't bring her he's not welcomed to see me.'" He rolled his eyes and mumbled a 'fine' to Olivia. "You want to know whats funny," Grayson raised his eyebrows At me.  "At first she tried to talk it but I couldn't take her seriously, her 3 year old self could barely pronounce the words," I laugh recalling the way Aspyn now talks. "She had to use her eyes to tell me. And heads up Grayson when you come to see her don't make her mad." I say as I start laughing.

"Why?" Grayson asks. I looked at Olivia letting her look into my eyes and immediately she starts laughing. Gray just gives us both a confused look. "Ugh, I hate being around you two." He cross his arms across his chest and pats his foot on the ground showing he has become impatient with us.

"Ok, so she talks funny, makes sense since she's basically 3, but sometimes she gets mad when I laugh to much, and she looks so cute when she's mad that I laugh more. And that makes her 10 times angrier, so she graves my face to make me look at her. She looks right into my eyes and she transports my mind to a room full of spiders, since I'm afraid of spiders, and she will yell at me there in her 18 year old body." I tell him.

Olivia just laughs it off. "It's funny because you can see his reflection in Apsyns eyes when she yells at him and his face is terrified. I honestly can't tell what he is more afraid of, the spiders everywhere or Aspyn."

Grayson let's out a soft laugh. "Ok, well now I know not to make her mad, but as for the fear part, she can't get me on that."

I give him a confused look as I sober up from my laughter. "Why not? What's your biggest fear?"

"Losing my mate. And it's already happened and if it's her doing the trick I know she's there so I won't be scared that she's gone." He states.

"I don't know man. Her powers are really getting stronger. If that's your biggest fear then don't make her mad, I honestly think she can bring that fear back from when you experienced it the first time."

I turn to Olivia, to see her still giggling about Aspyns new mind tricks. But then I remembered something my mother said."Oh yeah and as for you, little one, I was talking to my mother and there actually may be a way for you to share what you see. I think that may be why Aspyn wants you to come with Grayson."

"What do you mean?" Grayson asks looking at me.

"I mean that your sister may not only be able to see someone pass but be able to show other people that person's pass. All with her eyes. Like how Aspyn goes into our minds to talk to us, your sister may be able to pass information to us with her eyes." I turn to Olivia. "It may come in handy in the future."

"How?" Olivia questions tilting her head.

"Well we all know the rogues are planning something," I look up to Gray. "Maybe if we catch one your sister can see the rogues pass and see there plan, she then can look one of us in the eyes and show us what she just saw. It can be really useful if we know what the rogues are up to."

Grayson just nods his head understanding.

"But can't Aspyn do that? Like see peoples pass just like me?"

I shake my head. "No she can't, she can only trick peoples mind into seeing what's not there and she can talk to them through her own figure, which is the image of her." I look up at Grayson. "So let's get down to business."

Grayson nods his head as he send Olivia to run back to the Castle. She gives me a quick hug goodbye and makes her way back to the castle. Him and I walk into his house and take a seat in his living room couches.

The place looks different. He actually has photos hanging. Of Aspyn.  The photos were her old ones that was of her in my pack. But the biggest one hanging in that room was the one from the ceremony.

Grayson and Aspyn were looking at each other smiling big. His hands were wrapped around her waist as her hands were resting on his chest.

"You really changed this place didn't you." I turn to look back at him.

"Yes, Olivia and Johnston told me I should do it, and not hide the pictures and pretend to forget about her."

"Why didn't hang up the other photos, the ones I brought for you of her?" Every few weeks I brought him a picture of her so he can see how much she has grown up. And i was a little upset to not see him hang those up as well as the other ones.

"I thought it would be a bad idea, in case someone comes here I don't want them to question the little girl pictures, or let's say a rogue comes I don't need them passing it on to the Rogue King that's she's actually alive and very little. I don't want anyone knowing she's alive and breathing." He tells me sternly.

I nod my head at him accepting his answer."Well I actually have another photo of her. It's in my wallet." I take out my wallet, and pull out the photo of Aspyn's technically 3 year old self. She looked so cute in it. She was training with me on her fighting skills so In the photo you can see she was really hot and tired but she was smiling really big and bright once our father said he'll buy her some ice cream for all the hard training she's  been doing.

He takes the photo out of my hand and looks at it. A smile slowly comes to his face. He sighs dropping his smile and tries to give me back the photo, but I reject it.

"Keep it, I see her all the time." He nods and pulls the picture to himself again and he stares at it. He then touches the picture.

"I really miss her." He says quietly. I know he was hurting everyday that went by.

It hurt me to see him like this. Especially since I know when I go home Aspyn will ask me how he was doing and I will obviously tell her the truth.

She hated him like this. Sad and depressed. A piece of me knew he just wants to go and see her but he knew he couldn't. She didn't want him too. Not yet anyways.

"I know. And she really misses you." I turn and look back at that big picture hanging on the wall. "Do you have another photo like that, maybe a bit smaller?"

"Yes, why?"

"I want to give it to Aspyn. I think she really would like to see your face again." He smiles at me.

"I'll give you one before you leave." He pulls out his wallet and puts the picture I just gave him of Aspyn inside next to his other photo of him and Aspyn at the ceremony. He puts his wallet back into his pocket. "Ok, now down to buisness."

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