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          I'm running, faster than I've ever ran before. Tears running down my face. I am traumatized of what I just witnessed. The blood, the screaming, the pain, and no mercy what so ever. I put those thoughts at the back of my mind as I continue running, trying to at least save myself, however a huge man jumps in front of me. A rouge. Not just any rouge, this one killed my parents.

        "Think we'd forget about you?" He says before he shifts into his wolf and.....

"AHHH!" I jump up and look around breathing heavily. The sun is shining through the window with the bright blue sky showing me that it is morning. Feeling around i touch something soft and fluffy. My pillow and blanket, I'm in my bed. I let out a sigh in relief.

I hear the door open, "Aspyn are you okay?" Startled I jump at the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry Jace, I didn't mean to wake you."

"That dream again?"

"Not a dream a nightmare." I correct him.

"You know what i meant." he says as he walks to the edge of my bed to take a seat. He gives me a sympathetic smile and just looks at me to see if I'm okay.

Jace is the Alpha that took me in when i became a rouge at 16 years old. He treated me like his own pack member. He even treats me like his own. He let me train with all his pack members and allowed me to be one of his warriors. He is 5 years older than me and still on the hunt for his mate.

"Ok. Today is the big day. Are you excited?" He says breaking the silence and changing subject.

"I guess." Since Jace trained me i became the best fighter in his pack. Out of all the fighters male and female. Today is the day that I am leaving his pack to go protect the Royal family. The royal family only has the best of the best protecting them. Unfortunately for me that means i have to leave the place i now call home to go protect the most snobbish, most richest, and most powerful pack out of the entire werewolf packs.

"You should get ready, the Royal family will have there vans here for you in 2 hours." With that said he walks out of my room. Leaving me to get up and get ready for this "amazing" day.


I pull Jace into a tight hug. "Thank you for everything you have done. I wouldn't be here without you."

"No you did this all yourself. Can you please promise to call me when you get there and text me as much as you can?"

"I will i promise." I say pulling away from our hug. I am about to start crying but he pulls me right back into a hug.

"Don't cry. You have made me so proud. You are like my little sister i never had. Please be careful." he pulls away from the hug. "I love you Aspyn. Feel free to come over whenever you feel like, this will always be your home."

"I love you too. I will definitely visit whenever i can trust me."

"My little sister all grown up." He smiles a sad smile. The car honks its horn reminding us it is time for me to leave. Jace gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Time for you to go." As I am walking to the car i hear him yell, "Good bye Aspyn, I love you."

I get in the car and yell back. "I'll visit whenever i can. If you ever need me just call." The car starts driving off and before I'm out of his sight i yell, out the car window, "I love you." I wave one last time, we turn around a corner and he is out of my sight.

A piece of me wants to cry because I just left the place i call home and my brother figure, but i won't because I made Jace so proud and crying won't make me feel better.

I decided to look out the window to see my surroundings, thinking that maybe it will help time go by faster.

There are three cars surrounding us. Besides the one I'm in. They're full of guards and are suppose to make sure i get there safely. I don't honestly know why I need their protection if I am one of the best. But whatever makes those snobbish people happy.

"Is that your brother?" The driver asks.

"Who Alpha Jace? No I'm not related to him."

"Oh really. You guys can totally play off the role that you guys are brother and sister. The similarities is insane." I say nothing, but he takes it as an opportunity to continue talking. "Maybe it's because you guys are from the same pack. That's probably why you look similar-"

"No," i cut him off, "we are not from the same pack. He took me in when i needed someone the most and helped me up."

"Oh I didn't know, I am sorry." he says finally understanding what I'm saying. "The names Johnston by the way."

"Nice to meet you Johnston." I had no intentions of telling him my name, but if Jace was here he would have wanted me to make a friend so i guess this was my chance to do so. "I'm Aspyn."

The whole drive we had a nice talk. Johnston was funny and carefree, just like me. But you could see that when it came to work he was like a whole different person. More serious and quiet. I liked that. He was 20 and not going to lie kind of cute. Lucky for me i found out he was mate-less too. He was also a guard. Good thing for me because I would be working with him. And sort of for him since he was the leader of all the guards. It hurt me to say this but I think i actually liked Johnston, a lot, even though i just met him.

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