Chapter 15- New Royals

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"Then I'm going with you." Grayson states with his arms cross on his chest.

Jace had called me saying that I should go and stay in his pack for a few days so his parents, or OUR parents can explain everything.

"No you can't you have a pack to care for."

"The celebration is tomorrow. You have to be here for that."

"Ok then I'll be back in the morning."

"No stay. Doesn't your brother have to come anyways, he is an Alpha, all the Alphas attend."

I had forgotten. But if Jace was attending then why didn't he tell me.

"I don't know if he's coming. I'll ask him" I take this moment to reach for the phone in our living room. After a few rings Jace answers. "Hey, are you coming to the celebration tomorrow of 'The Prince Finding His Mate' and the 'New Royal Alpha and Luna'?"

"No. It's stupid. Just another reason for rich people to show off there money."

"Ugh come on. I'm you're sister. Please come. Oh and bring your parents. And when you guys decide you want to leave I'll head back with you guys."

Jace hesitantly agreed.

"Great I'll see you tomorrow." I hang up the phone and turn around to a pissed of looking Grayson. "What?"

"We didn't agree to you leaving. You're not leaving."

I roll my eyes.

"Yes I am. And you can't stop me."

He raise an eyebrow in which I return. He takes a few steps forward until he is in front of me.

"I bet I can."

"I bet you can't. I'm a white wolf. I'm stronger."

It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"And I'm your mate."


"So if you leave I go. But I don't want you to leave so you don't leave."

"And how are going to stop me?" I walk past him pushing into his shoulder.

He graves my arm and pulls me into him capturing my lips in his. He rest his hands at my waist and slides one inside my shirt. As he does that he goes to grab my breast at which I moan at. He pushes my back into the wall but his hand continues to explore.

My hands do the same in exploring his body. I pull his shirt over his head. He trails kisses down my neck as he does so I reach for his belt but his hand stops me as he pulls away with a smirk on his face. He winks at me as he graves his shirt from the ground to put it on.

I just stand at the wall admiring the muscles on his body as he puts his shirt on, breathing heavily.

When he turns tl face me, smirk still on his face, his eyes change. Once they change back to there green color he comes up to me and gives me a kiss on the lips. "We have a rogue problem, near the lake, I have to go check it out. I'll see you tonight." I nod my head and with another swift kiss on my lips he leaves from the front door.


"My tie has to match your dress so pick one already." Grayson says clearly annoyed.

"I don't know which one do I look nice in." I say as I hold up the three dresses I was deciding between.

"Your asking me, your mate. I honestly think you'll look better with nothing on but that would be for my enjoyment in this room." I roll my eyes and give him a look. "You look amazing in all of them. Now pick one."

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