Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties

Start from the beginning

"WHAT!", the boys screamed.

"You wouldn't dare!", Suga growled and began to lash out. "You can't do that!"

"Oh.", PD grins and lets out an evil laugh. "I can. And I will if I have to.", his eyes scanned the room and they darted towards the door as JB enters.

"Sorry to intrude again everyone.", JB pauses as he sees Bang. "Hello, PD-nim."

Finally, PD had an idea. His light bulb above his head turned on. "Hey there my boy. You're just in time! I want you to do me a favor."

Rapmon leans closer to Jimin and Jin, whispering. "Is he gonna do what I think he's gonna do?", he winces his eyes at Bang.

Jimin hisses at him and elbows him. "Shh hyung. Don't give him ideas! This is already going downhill. Don't make it worse than it is already!"

J-Hope starts biting his nails and gulps. "I don't like where this is going."

"JB-ssi my boy, I want you to keep an eye on Eun-ha for the last week of your shoot. And for that to happen, I hope you boys don't mind sparing space in your house for a week.", PD winks.

"WHAT!", they all shrieked.

Eun-ha froze. Her hands trembled and turned into fists. Her eyes were slowly growing wide and narrow and her teeth started showing. "You...", she raises her head and her eyes glinted before rushing towards PD, leaping into the air like a tiger. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS OLD MAN!"

"Eun-ha, no!", they all shouted.

And with that, the hyungs had to jump Eun-ha and restrained her from clawing Bang Si-hyuk.

Few minutes later, Eun-ha and JB were outside the studio, talking.

"So is that all?", Eun-ha tilts her head and leans it against the wall. "You could've texted me the info you know. And if you did, you didn't have to see what happened between me and hyung. I'm pretty embarrassed about it but hyung doesn't seem to mind that you saw us."

"Well, it's just that at I prefer talking to you in person.", JB's serious expression softens up as he smiles. "But, it seems that I won't be worried about doing that for the next few days. I'm sorry about PD. I hope I won't be intruding in your own home."

"You're not. It can't be helped honestly. Nowadays, I admit that me and hyung can't get our hands off of each other. Guess me and hyung just have separation difficulties.", Eun-ha laughs.

Literally two days later...

"Eun-ha, the director called for an early set up. Hyo-rin noona is coming soon to pick us up.", said JB's voice from the living room.

Eun-ha sprints out of her room while trying to put on her jacket and socks at the same time. She slides down the railings of the staircase while putting her shoes on and almost face planted on the wall. "Coming coming coming!"

"Eun-ha, I made lunch for you. Come and get it. I already packed it all up for you!", Jin's voice echoed in the lobby where Eun-ha landed. "I'll bring in snacks later when you come to the studio."

"Gimme a minute!", Eun-ha ties up her bangs to look like a pineapple and rushes into the living room where Jungkook and Rapmon were sitting on the sofa and Suga was in the kitchen with Jin, napping.

She rushes into the kitchen and grabs her lunchbox, made with love by Jin and grabs a drink from the fridge. "So we're gonna keep working later till when?", she said as she pops open a yogurt bottle.

"Till seven.", said Suga as he raises his head.

Eun-ha pursed her lips and leans her back against the counter, slightly far from Suga. "Ok. I'll be there few minutes early then.", she bashfully puckers her lips to the side as if to pout.

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