Chapter 28

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(one month later)

  My wounds were finally healed, but they left scars on my body.

"Baby girl I already know what you're thinking about, you better quit" Gray said as I looked out the window seeing his and mine pack conjoined.

"I'm not thinking anything Gray" I said as I ran my hands over my stomach feeling my two babies move in my stomach.
  He got up from the chair and walked over to me and hug me running his hands across my medium size belly bump.

"Your thinking about how the scars on your body make you look unappealing and they don't. They don't make you look any different in my eyes. I still see the beautiful person, the strong willed women that I'm marrying tomorrow" Gray said as I smile up at him.

"Thank you Gray" I said as he leaned down and kissed me

"And after the wedding we have the gender revealing the next day. I finally get to find out what our pups will be" Gray said as he turned me around and bent down kissing my stomach.

"Gray I have to go get my dress with your Mom today, you can't keep me all to yourself today" I said laughing as he stood up and smirked at me.

"I could" Gray said, I was about o say something, but I heard Jade yell from down stairs

"Zila dear are you ready?" Jade yelled as I let out a laugh and kissed Gray one more time heading for the door.

"I'll see you in a little while" I said as I make my way downstairs and get hugged immediately by Jade

"Oh I can't wait to help you get ready" Jade said rushing me out to the car and helping me in since I was pregnant.

"Um...Jade I was gonna ask you first to make sure, but do you think Kade could walk me down the aisle?" I asked her as I see tears spring to her eyes

"Oh! I didn't mean to make you cry!" I said as she just smiled and wiped her tears quickly

"I'm sure Kade would be proud to do that for you" Jade said as I smiled at her and waited to get to her house since she already said she had my dress.
  We pull up to her house as I see Kade give me a smile

"Hello my future daughter in law" Kade said making me laugh

"Hey Kade I know your not my real Dad, but would you walk me down the aisle?" I asked him as he quickly hugged me.

"Oh course" he said as Jade yanked me away from him and started to do my hair into tight curls.
  She also did my makeup in a natural tone and made my hair look fuller. After getting done doing my hair and makeup she helped me into my dress and heels.

"! You look stunning Zila!" Jade cried as I smiled at her

"Thank you so much Jade" I said as I hug her quickly seeing as Kade wanted to get some pictures before we headed out.
  After getting a couple pictures of me and him and then me and Jade we headed out.
  I was at the door and felt the nervousness built up as I wrap my arm around Kade's

"Don't worry I know my son is going to cry seeing you like this" Kade said making me laugh as I see April co.e out in a white dress.

"Auntie Zila" she said as I bent down quickly and hug her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm your flower girl" she said excitely as I smiled at her

"Yeah you ready?" I asked as she smiled and the doors opened up for her to skip through and start to throw the rose petals to the floor.
  I just smiled at my niece and see Alex wipe his eyes and Misty did the same thing.
  I look up at Gray and see him turned around wiping his eyes

"See told you" Kade whispered in my ear making me smile.
  Kade handed me over to Gray as the ceremony began

"Do you Gray Owen take Zila Black as your wife?" He asked Gray

"I do" Gray said smiling over at me

"And do you Zila Black take Gray Owen to be your husband?" He asked me as I smiled over at Gray.

"I do" I said

"I now pronounced you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said as Gray grab me and kissed me as I hear our pack and family cheer for us as we parted and walked down the aisle.

"I love You Zila" Gray said as he walked us to the dance floor

"I love you to Gray" I said.

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