Chapter 11

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One year later

  I was outside training some of the teenagers that wanted to learn how to fight.

"You can't let you guard down Emma" I said as I punch her in her side making her fall to the ground holding her side.

"Sorry Alpha" Emma said as I just shook my head smiling as I walked over to her and help her up.

"You've gotten better but always remember that you can't let your guard down okay" I said as she gave me a big smile.

"Thank you Alpha!" Emma said as she bowed her head

"We're done for today go rest up until tomorrow" I said as she ran off as I see Alex pull up in his car.
"I'm gonna go shower before you even come over since I just got done training someone. When ever Misty gets here with Alpha Gray let me know" I said through our mind link

"Someone sounds cranky" Alex said

"No I just don't want to meet this Alpha Gray, you know I hate meeting other Alpha's because they think their stronger then me and there not" I said as I let out a growl through the mindlink

"Alright alright little sis go take a shower" Alex said as he ended the mindlink.
  I make my way up to my room as I strip from my clothes and head to the shower washing my long hair getting the sweat out of it.

"Honestly Alex knows how I am with Alpha's" I said to myself as I get out of the shower and head to my closet to get dressed.
  I get dressed in some black high waisted shorts and pulled over a red t-shirt with some black shoes putting my long hair in a French braid.
  As I get out of my closet I hear a knock on my door

"Alpha" Chris said

"Yes Chris" I said

"Alpha Alex and Luna Misty is in the meeting room with Alpha Gray. Do you want me and Brandon in there with you?" Chris asked

"Yes I will be heading that way just tell them I will be a couple of minutes" I said

"Yes of course" Chris said as I looked in the mirror one more time and just shook my head.

"Let's get this over with" I said as I make my way to the meeting room

"What do you mean he will be a couple of minutes" someone growled out making me growl a small growl.

"Alpha Gray our Alpha will be here in a couple of minutes please understand" Chris said as I heard anger raise in his voice.
  I just smiled, ever since I became Alpha Chris and Crystal have been like parents to me.

"You get your damn Alpha in here now or I'm going up to his office and dragging him down here" Alpha Gray growled.
  I let out a loud growl as I hear Chris snicker, I open the door as Chris, Crystal, and Brandon turn to me bowing their heads.

"Alpha Gray I do NOT appreciate you talking that way about me and speaking that way to my Beta. If you can not understand that I had to shower because of training then I do not want you in my HOUSE" I said as I felt my power radiate off of me.
   When he looked at me he looked at me shocked as I hear Flame saying something but my anger was already taken over.

"So if you want to continue this meeting we can but if you can not behave yourself in my land then I will throw you out" I said as I sit down at the opposite end of the table staring at him.

"Well" I said waiting on a answer

"Yes I want to continue this meeting. I'm sorry" Alpha Gray said as I see Misty and Alex looked at him shocked.

"Why did you want to meet all of the Alpha's?" I asked as Chris, Crystal and Brandon sat down by me.

"I was going to get permission from the Alpha's to find my mate in there packs, your the tenth one I have came to" Gray said as I nodded his head as he stared at me.

"Well I will let you stay on my land until you find your mate, but if you hurt any of my pack members then I will throw you out and not let you see your mate do you understand" I said as he nodded his head.
"Meeting dismissed" I said as Chris, Crystal and Brandon got up and left.
  I got up and headed behind me looking throw the files looking for Alpha Gray's file

"Alex, Misty could I have a minute with her?" Gray asked my brother and sister in law.
  I hear the door shut hearing my wolf Flame whining trying to get my attention

"What is it Flame?" I asked her

"Mate mate mate, mates coming" Flame said

"Wait Flame what do you mean?" I asked her but she ended the mindlink between us.
  I felt a arm wrap around my waist as I felt shocks where the are was, I could tell it was Alpha Gray as he laid his head between my shoulder and neck.

"Gray get off of me" I said as I continue searching for his file fighting the urge to turn around and kiss him

"I know you feel the shocks and tingles when I tough you" Gray said, I found his file and put it on top of the cabinet and turn around looking at Gray.

"Gray, I'm a Alpha I'm not gonna summit whether you like it or not, you are my mate but I'm also your equal and your gonna treat me like it" I said as he leaned closer to me.

"Can I at least know the name of my mate?" Gray asked

"Zila" I said as he brought his lips down to mine as I wrap my arms around his neck

"Alpha" Chris said knocking on the door

"God damnit Chris" I said in a whisper as Gray let out a laugh as I walk to the door Gray behind me

"What is it Chris?" I asked

"Rouge's are coming this way" Chris said as I feel anger inside of me boil.

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