Chapter 25

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One Week Later

  I slammed my hands against the desk as I slide down the wall with my hands on my face.

"Gray we'll find her calm down! Your wolf is going to end up taking over and we won't be able to stop you" Crystal said as I look up already feeling my canies come out.

"I'm's been a week and I feel the pain...of him hurting her" I said as I covered my face feeling tears build up.

"I can't lose her...I can't Crystal! We have to find her now!" I said as I ran out of the office door with Chris, Jared and Ash and the warriors following behind me.

"Alpha if you run in there it's suicide with all those wolves in there" Ash said

"I don't care" I growled out

"Look just make sure that every single Rouge is dead and if there are any survivers other than Zila help them" I said as they nodded there heads.

I rushed through the forest the trees passing me. I slide under branches and jump over tree stumps smelling Zila's scent and blood mixed with it.
  I let out a deadly growl and ran faster killing Rouges on the way there. I look closer and see a house and Rouges surrounding it

"We're taking out the Rouges around the house" I said as I see my warriors rush forward and some of Zila's

I rushed forward and bite into one of the Rouges necks snapping it as I rushed to the door of the house and slam my body into it making it fall.
  I growl at the Rouges in the house jump forward grabbing one of them and snapping there necks with my mouth.
  I growl at at the one behind me and bite into his stomach making him fall to the floor in pain, I felt my wolf taking over as we stood up on our hind legs.
  I sniff the air and smell Zila's scent, I walked forward and slashed at anyone I saw that was in my way of getting my mate back.
  I come to a metal door as I grab it my claws digging into the metal and rip it off the door frame as the smell of Blood and puke came to my nose.
  I hear a cry of pain and run forward down the hall and take a turn seeing Zila chained up to a wall, tears running down her face as Jared kiss her mark. My mark.
  I let out a deadly growl making him turn around as I stalked toward him

"Gray...I'm sorry..." Zila whispered as I grab Jared by throat and let my wolf take over fully.
Sebastian (Gray's Wolf)
  I picked him up and throw him against the wall and clawed at his chest. I bend down and bite his arm pulling it off.
  I let out a growl while he screamed out in pain

"Oh don't even think I'm done with you" I growl out as I bite down on each part of his body, biting, clawing and tearing off limbs.
  I looked around and find a silver knife and grab it as it burnt my hand and dig it into his wounds making him scream.

"Sebastian...please...the pups I don't know if there alive..." Zila cried out, but it came out a whisper.
  I immediately stopped what I was doing and pulled off his head as I rushed to Zila putting my head on her stomach.

"I'm sorry...let get you down" I said as I slowly give Gray back control.

  I pick Zila up and rush outside seeing other girls there holding each other as they cried.

"Zila" Crystal cried as she ran over to me

"We need to get her back to the pack house now" I said as she nodded her head.
  I handed Zila over to Chris real quick changing into my wolf form as Chris put her on my back, she gripped onto my fur as I dashed through the forest.

"Zila stay with me okay babygirl, you and the pups are gonna be fine I promise" I said

"Okay..." Zila said

I saw the pack house in site and see Chris right behind me as he helped Zila up as I shifted back and picked her up rushing to the infirmary.

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