Chapter 2

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  I walked around the woods, leaving behind my slaughtered pack. My loving pack, my Mom and Dad as I couldn't stand the sight of it any more without me wanting to kill myself to be with them.
  I know my Mother and Father would be disappointed in me if I did that, but I wasn't going to, I couldn't. I know my Mom and Dad would want me to be strong and push forward.
  It was so hard to push forward knowing that you would not have your Mom and Dad by your side anymore.
  I fell to the forest floor as I felt the wounds on my leg get worse. I crawl against the tree and sit up seeing the wounds bleed out.
  I looked around for any source of water, but I heard a howl in the distance as I heard wolves feet hit the forest floor running towards me.
  I must have passed into another Alpha's land! How could I be so stupid! Oh moon goddess please don't be Alpha Jared.
  I rush to get up and started running the opposite way feeling the pain rush through my leg as I pushed myself to get away from them.
  I could nearly see the boarder until I was tackled to the floor feeling little sticks poke my skin as I skid across the floor letting out a cry or pain.
  The brown wolf above me growled at me as he bared his teeth at me

"Why are you on Alpha's Jared land rouge?" The brown wolf mind linked me saying

"I'm the daughter of Alpha Mason and Luna May! The White Moon was slaughtered today and..." I cried as I felt the pain of remembering seeing My Mother's and Father's face.
  The brown wolf step away from me shifting back and putting on shorts and picking me up. He looked over his shoulder and it looked like he was mind linking the other wolves.
  I saw the other two wolves run off and he walked the opposite way from them. I felt the pain in my leg rush back and bite my lip to muffle my cry of pain.

"We will get it looked at by the pack doctor!" The man said carrying me, I nodded my head

"My name is Chris. I'm the Beta of Alpha Jared" Chris said as he looked down at me and smiled trying to make me feel better.
  We got to the pack house and I could feel my eyes become heavy from the lack of energy and sleep I have had, I tried to keep my eyes open.
  Chris laid me down on the bed and someone rushed in hooking me up to stuff

"Will she be okay?" Chris asked

"She will be if I can get this into her system in time" a girl said

"Just do your absolute best Crystal" Chris said to the girl whose name is Crystal.
  I felt myself calm down as my breathing came to a steady pace as I look up seeing Crystal giving me a smile.

"There! Now you should be okay to rest up and get some sleep. Once you wake up I will come back and bring food to get your energy back up. Get some sleep!" Crystal said as she covered me up with a blanket walking out the door.

"I will let Alpha Jared know that you are in the infirmary. Get some sleep kiddo your going to need it!" Chris said kissing my head and walking out the door.
  My eyes went wide as I tried to get Chris back in here to tell him not to tell Alpha Jared, but I was to tired to move as my eyes shut, me falling into darkness.

Alpha Jared
  I hear a knock on my door seeing my Beta, Chris come in

"Yes! Chris what is it?" I asked annoyed right now

"The White Moon pack was slaughtered today. Alpha Mason and Luna May was also slaughtered leaving behind their daughter Zila Black. She's in the infirmary right now Alpha!" Chris said.
  I nodded my head and dismissed him. The plan worked according to plan. The rouge's would slaughter her pack which would make her come my way making her mine for the taking.
  I finally have you Zila Black and your not getting away from me.

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