Chapter 19

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  I felt shocks go through my arm as I look over and see Gray looking over at me

"Are we almost there?" I asked as I let out yawn feeling the tiredness in my body after that short nap.

"We're here that's why I woke you up!" Gray said as I nodded my head and let out a shaky breath. Gray squeeze my hand making me look back up at him.

"What did I tell you? There going to love you, if I love you already then they will too babygirl!" Gray said making me smile as we got out of the car.
  I came around the car and grab Gray's hand feeling a lot better as we walked to the the white house
  We walked up to the door and not even a second later the door slammed open seeing as a woman with long black long hair and bright blue eyes.

"Oh look at you! You're more gorgeous then Gray said!" She said as she brought me into a hug

"Well that's good, I guess he has told you guys a lot about me, all good things I hope?" I asked as she pulled back and smiled at me.

"Of course dear, but I'm Jade Gray's mother. I'm so glad I'm getting to meet you finally!" Jade said as I smile at her and she pulls us into the house.
"Kade, get down here and meet your daughter in law!" Jade yelled as I just hug onto Gray's arm as I hear footsteps come are way.
  I look up at the top of the stairs seeing a older version of Gray coming downstairs the stairs

"Zila this is my husband Kade, Kade this is Zila" Jade said as she introduced us to each other, he brought me into a hug as I smile.

"It's so good to meet the girl that has my boy tamed!" Kade said making me laugh

"Dad come on" Gray said in a irrated voice

"Aren't you the one that took over Alpha Jared's pack?" Kade asked as I went back over to Gray as he went over to Jade.

"Yes I am. I'm the Alpha of the pack" I said proudly as I see Gray look over at me with a smile

"Well I never did except the Alpha to be a female which I'm not judging, it's different to have a female run a pack, but it's a good kind of different!" Kade said as I smiled at them.

"Yes well let's just not speak the name of Jared please?" I asked as I see their eyes fill with concern

"Why my dear?" Jade asked

"Well let's just say he's not around anymore because of me" I said as they nodded their heads understanding.

"Well let's go eat some lunch shall we?" Jade asked as I walked to the dining room with Gray as he pulled out my seat for me.

"Thank you!" I said as he smiled down at me and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss feeling the sweetness from him.
"Awe!" Jade said as Gray pulled back and groaned as he sat down next to me

"So tell us a little about yourself Zila" Jade said as she sat the food down and sat down with Kade.

"Well I'm seventeen, turning eight-teen next month. I took over the pack when I was six-teen, I mean there's not much about me" I said nervous

"Oh I think there is dear, but what happen for you to take the pack over at six-teen?" Kade asked.
  That question had my heart racing, I only told Alex the full story, but I haven't even told Gray what Happened expect that I took over.

"Mom, not right now" Gray said taking me out of my trance and making me look up at him.

"I'm sorry dear" Jade said

"No no your fine it's just hard to talk about sometimes" I said as I ate a bit of my food.
  As I was eating my food I smell blood and rouge mixed as I got up from the table looking out the window of the front room.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" I whispered to myself as I see at least five Rouges running towards the house.

"Of all days you decide to come and try to take my Alpha title" I said as I walk towards the door seeing as Gray, Kade, and Jade came to the door to when I was waiting on the porch.
   When they saw me they came to a stop in their wolf forms and growled at me

"Well let's get this done so I can eat" I mumbled as Jade was about to reach for my arm, but Gray stopped her.

"Trust me she's going to fine" Gray said making me smile
  I started to walk towards them as they ran towards me circling me

"Now what do you want?" I asked as they all circled me, one of them shifted and ran at me about to punch me, but I blocked it and grab his hand flipping him.

"Now that's rude!" I said as they all shifted and came at me, I grab the one closest to me and wrap my arm around his neck snapping it as he fell to the floor limp.
  One grab my arm and the other kicked my back making me skid across the floor as I look up from behind my hair.
  I let out a deadly growl and ran towards them, as I totally closer I bring my arms out and wrap my hand arms around them and slam their heads into each other.
  I grab both of their necks and snap them as the other two started to fist fight with me.
  One brought his leg up as I caught it and twisted it hearing as he screamed out in pain, the other one almost punch me in my mouth as I grab his arm and twist it behind his back.
  I slam him into the floor seeing as blood spilled from his head, I went over to the other one and snap his neck as I dust my pants off.

"See told you she could handle herself!" Gray said with proudness in his voice.

She's The AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin