Dominic groaned loudly, she shut her eyes.
Dear Lord, I am trying---so very hard.

Mr. Taylor slammed his hand on the table. Dominic jumped, so did Kaz.

'Sorry Ms. Shaw,' Mr. Taylor apologized. 'Kaz, do I need to call your Social Worker?'

'No!---no, please no,' she mumbled in defeat.

'Have you any idea, the humiliation Joshua had to endure?' the principal murmured.

This time she was quiet, reflective, but displayed no remorse.

'You need to offer an apology to Joshua,' the principal suggested. 'It's a good thing there is evidence absolving him. The store owner wanted him punished, and that for something he did not do,' the principal's voice rose slightly.

Kaz wriggled about. She pulled her socks up, then studied her fingernails.

'You are sixteen Kaz, not six. At your age you should know right from wrong,' Mr. Taylor advised. 'Remember this Kaz,' Mr. Taylor warned, 'whatever seeds you sow in life, they will bring you a harvest. A seed only reproduces after its own kind. You sow discord that is what you will reap. You sow vindictiveness that is exactly the fruit it will reproduce,' his voice was grave. 'It's time for you to take control of your life Kaz. You don't need to go off the rails because of your past. Pursue a destiny for yourself that you can be proud to strive towards Kaz,' Mr. Taylor smiled encouragingly.

Kaz kept her head bent, not saying a word though it was clear the principal's words were having an impact. Her changing facial expressions were testament to that.

'You may leave Kaz.' Principal Taylor announced.

Her head swung up, wide-eyed. She was expecting to be handed over to Social Welfare. She looked from the principal to Dominic, neither was looking at her. Each seemed to be wrapped in their own distant thoughts.

'I'm not in trouble?' she mumbled standing up.

'No,' the principal spoke, but you should make right with Joshua. You owe him that.'

Without another word, Kaz stormed out, slamming the door, rather loudly.

When she left, Dominic and the principal just stared at each other.

'That is one emotionally unstable young lady,' Dominic whispered.

'She needs love, Dominic,' the principal looked down. 'She's had a traumatic life. She will probably never ask it, but she yearns for security and a sense of belonging.'

'I've tried to reach out to her,' Dominic murmured.

'Try harder Dominic. Be patient with her, please,' he pleaded. 'If anyone can get through to that young lady, it's you. I cannot trust anybody else,' his voice was almost a whisper.

'I'll give it another shot,' Dominic promised with a smile.

'Thank you Ms. Shaw, you're dismissed,' the principal smiled.

'Yes Mr. Taylor,' she grinned and walked out.

Dominic was returning to her next class when she spotted Kaz near the boy's toilet. As Dominic got closer, she observed Kaz had Joshua pinned against the wall.

Oh poor Josh.

As Dominic drew closer, she observed Josh did not look like he was being harassed. Neither did he look offended. Kaz seemed to be doing the talking. Josh's head was bent. Occasionally, his head would lift, his eyes would meet's Kaz's. The next observation took Dominic completely by surprise, pleasantly so. Kaz extended her hand. A brief smile appeared on her face. She looked really, really pretty, when she smiled. Josh hesitated for only a few seconds, before he smiled and shook her hand. It seems peace was restored.

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