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‘Dad___dad can you come to the hospital quickly?  It’s Kaz!’

‘Slow down my boy,’ Pastor Ralph’s calming voice touched Josh over the ear piece.  

‘She blacked out at school, dad.  She__she does not look good,’ Josh’s voice sounded strained.

‘I’m on my way Josh.  Just hang in there,’ Pastor Ralph cut the call.

Josh wanted to rush into the emergency room.  He needed to see for himself how Kaz was doing.  He looked up expectantly as the doctor walked towards Ms. Shaw.

‘What can you tell us Doctor?’ Ms Shaw rushed to meet the doctor.

The doctor looked from Josh to Ms. Shaw, not sure if talking to them would breach doctor/patient confidentiality.

‘Tell us!’ Josh demanded.  ‘Is Kaz going to be fine?’ Josh’s voice broke at the end of his sentence.  Ms. Shaw placed her arm consolingly around his shoulders.

‘Are you Josh?’ The doctor smiled.

‘Y__yes.  How did you know?’

‘The young lady has been calling your name,’ he smiled. 

Ms. Shaw looked surprised.  Josh’s face was inflamed.

‘So I guess it’s okay for me to report on her condition,’ the doctor looked down into the newly opened file.  ‘Ms  Edwards has a case of ecchymosis,’ he paused.  ‘There was not a lot of bleeding,’ he quickly added.  ‘My observation concludes, that is what caused her system to go into shock, hence her delayed black-out___.’

‘Ecchy___what!’  Can you speak English please?’ Josh interrupted.

The doctor exchanged a look with Ms. Shaw.   She slowly shut her eyes, then proceeded to explain Kaz’s condition to Josh.

‘Kaz has internal bleeding,’ Ms. Shaw murmured softly.

Josh looked stunned, too afraid to think of the extent of the external bleeding.

I should have dragged her to the hospital yesterday!

‘I understand Ms. Edwards, is a ward of one Mrs. Myrtle Bairns?’ The doctor verified, thinking he’d already revealed more than he should.

‘I’ve called her,’ Ms. Shaw spoke in a deflated tone.  ‘She’s at work and says she can’t get time off right now.’

‘I want to see Kaz,’ Josh demanded and this ecchy__mosis, ___can it be cured?  What can we do for Kaz?  How do you treat it?  Will you operate on her or something?’

The doctor placed a calming hand on Josh’s shoulder.  Luckily, it’s just a mild case of bleeding, just beneath the layer of her skin,’ he smiled.  ‘No damage to any arteries.  She won’t need surgery.’

Josh’s weight visibly slumped beneath the doctor’s palm.

‘She’s a very strong young lady,’ the doctor nodded.  ‘All she needs is strict bed rest so the skin and tissue can repair themselves.’

‘Thank God,’ Josh lowered himself into the chair.

The doctor turned to Ms. Shaw.  ‘Ms. Edwards’ injuries can have only been caused by deceleration due to an automobile accident, from running into a sharp object; or ___a violent altercation.  I have an obligation to inform Social Services,’ he paused.  ‘Should I also be alerting the police?’ he questioned.

Ms. Shaw looked away.  Josh studied his shoes.  The doctor tapped the file against his palm as he awaited an answer.

‘Had the young lady sustained injury to the brain or blood vessels, the bleeding would compress her organs and cause their dysfunction.  The loss of blood would cause brain damage and ultimately death.  We would then be facing a case of homicide___.’

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