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Kaz glared at Dominic as she walked into the principal's office. The principal was seated at his desk. Dominic was standing with her back close to the window. Kaz stood where she was; a mutinous scowl laced her face.

'Please have a seat Kaz,' Dominic pointed and took a seat herself.

'You wanted to see me Mr. Taylor?' Kaz ignored Dominic.

'Kaz is it?' Mr. Taylor frowned. 'I thought it was Cassandra, but do have a seat,' he indicated to the seat next to Dominic.

'Kaz,' Mr. Taylor dragged out with difficulty, as he toyed with a pencil between his fingers. 'There is some damning evidence against you___.'

'She is lying,' Kaz interrupted spitting and spluttering. She directed a scathing, glacial stare at Dominic. 'I did not do it.'

The principal batted an eyebrow. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. 'What didn't you do?' he challenged.

Kaz shifted about in the seat, her eyes fell to her lap. 'Whatever lies she told you,' her head tossed arrogantly in Dominic's direction. 'She is lying. She just wants me to be in trouble. Don't believe a word she tells you Mr. Taylor.'

'Kaz,' the principal sighed. 'Ms. Shaw's integrity is airtight and it is not in question, however Ms. Shaw has brought something to my attention.'

'I told you she is lying,' Kaz yelled.

The principal was quiet for a few unnerving minutes. Finally he looked at Dominic and nodded briefly. Dominic inhaled heavily. She rose and pressed the play button on the video recorder. Kaz's head flew from the principal to watch Dominic walk to where the large television screen stood. Her eyes fell to the screen as the image unfolded of her criminal action in the supermarket. Her face was clearly visible, the incriminating evidence of her lifting the magazine and inserting it into Josh's backpack clear in no uncertain terms. Kaz stood up. She stared at the television. The principal and Dominic watched, waiting for her reaction.

'Where'd you get that?' she yelled. 'I didn't do anything wrong. Josh told me to put the magazine in his bag. His hands were full. He said he would pay when he got to the counter. Why have you called me here? Why are you showing me that video? I didn't do anything wrong,' she yelled even louder.

'Sit!' the principal instructed in a quiet tone, pointing a finger to the chair.

'I don't want to,' Kaz narrowed her eyes, her face was crimson.

The principal stood up. Kaz immediately dropped into her chair. Dominic leaned against the cold wall. The chill seeped through her silk blouse, giving her goose bumps. She rubbed her arms reactively, trying to warm herself up.

'Kaz,' the principal leaned forward, placing his palms on his desk. 'Do you realize the trouble you got Joshua Mitchell into?'
She just ignored the question, and fidgeted with the hem of her school uniform. The principal continued, 'Joshua had to endure the wrath of the store owner. His reputation was in tatters. He faced censure from his parents who are upstanding pillars in this community, might I add.' Finally Kaz looked up. Her nostrils twitched as she fought to contain her anger.

'He's not as innocent as he seems. He wanted that book___.'

'Stop it Kaz!' Dominic strode forward and sat down next to Kaz. 'Stop lying,' Dominic spoke in a restrained voice. 'Mr Taylor and I know Joshua Mitchell fairly well. He would not steal anything.'

'You would protect him,' Kaz sneered. 'You fancy him.'

'What!' The principal exclaimed.

'Oh you didn't know that, did you Mr. Taylor?'

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