I was sat under a large tree. Something about the tree felt powerful. There were a number of people surrounding me.

"Bah! This place is the same as when I left. I wonder, did the tree miss me as much as I missed it?" A boy said. He had a strange hat on, and he was sat in a wheelchair. "The best thing about getting within camp barriers is getting to take off my hat, stretch off my legs, and smell dinner cooking from the dining hall!" He rubbed his stomach as he threw off his hat and stood up. He had a strange posture. Wait--he had hooves, along with horns! That was more concerning than a wonky posture.

"I'm sure the plants missed you even more, Grover." I replied. Grover smiled brightly. He hugged the pine.

A girl approached him and glared.

"Don't hug my tree, Underwood. I take great offense to that." Thalia, it was the girl from my boggart. "You should be hugging me instead! Long time no see, kid." She punched him playfully in the arm.

I wasn't afraid of Thalia, I realized. I was afraid of her resenting me. I was afraid of us losing whatever friendship it was that we'd once had. One of my greatest desires was to have that friendship back with her, and with Grover...whoever he was.

"The gang's all here!" Luke entered the scene. I wasn't scared of him, I was happy to see him. His eyes were glowing with happiness and youth, rather than glowing a scary gold. He looked peaceful, almost.

"Thalia! Miss me?" Like smirked and leaned against the pine tree. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"I've sworn off men," she reminded herself. "I've sworn off men, I've sworn off men." Her and Grover walked away, approaching the camp. Luke ran after them, happy to be home.

One last person approached me under the tree.

"Ready, wise girl?" He asked. He gave me his hand and I took it.

"Of course."

We walked into camp together as the sun set. Grover was right about the smell of food from the dining hall, it was calling to me. The sweet scent of snickerdoodles filled the air, my favorite.

As we walked through the camp, I was greeted with many kind faces. They were all strangers, yet I felt more déjà vu coming on every time I saw a smiling face.

"TRAVIS, CONNOR! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" A tough looking girl ran out of some place I assumed was the bathroom. Her hair was dripping wet like she had just showered. Her hair was a bright, bubbly pink. It didn't seem to fit her personality.

"Best prank ever!" One of the boys shouted.

"Sorry, Clarisse! We thought pink would be your color!" They high-fived and ran off as the angry, pink-haired girl chased after them.

The boy who held my hand snickered to himself. That made me smile. We continued walking.

A group of people sat in a circle of chairs beckoned us over.

"I exclaimed the Romans weren't visiting until next week!" I exclaimed. A girl stood up and shook Percy's hand with a smile. She turned to me and hugged me.

"Good to see you, Annabeth!" She greeted.

"Good to see you too, Reyna. Gods, I've missed you guys." I exclaimed. Three other people wearing matching purple shirts hugged me as well. I couldn't see their faces. I only knew that two of them were boys, one having dark hair and the other a blonde. The third one was a girl, slightly shorter than me. As our hug released, I realized who she was. Her face became clearer.

"How have things been at camp?" Hazel asked. I could recognize her anywhere! She had been in my visions before, I knew it! Why did it take this long for her face to become un-blurred?

Harry Potter and the Lost Half-Bloods. *1*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें