"If you want to tell him, I'm fine with it." I shrugged. What else did I have to lose?

Percy and Jason then exchanged glances.

"Telling you Leo and I's secret would involve telling Leo our secret, Jason. Are you okay with that?"

Jason hesitated a moment before nodding.

"Not telling Leo would result in him blackmailing me since he knows the--well..." Jason stuttered.

"You mean the Mozart thing? Relax, wolfie. I'm not going to tell anybody. Like I said before, I'm not one to blackmail. You can can tell me anything. I'll make the unbreakable vow if that's what it takes to give you my trust."

I stuck out my wand. Jason and Percy winced.

"Unbreakable vows won't be necessary. I guess I kind of trust you." Jason said, that was enough for me.

Jason and Percy went first with their explanation. They explained to me how somehow strange tattoos had appeared on their arms at the start of the week. Ever since, they had been having strange dreams and odd moments of déjà vu. Percy told me about how he could see the thestrals. He wanted to take me later tonight to see if I could see them as well. Yep, I could definitely trust them. That was like my story, besides the tattoo part.

"I've been having the dreams as well. They're weird, I guess. I don't know what else to describe them as. Um...Percy, want me to tell our half of the story?" I asked.

Percy shrugged.


"To make a long story short, I saw Percy out by the lake. He was acting strangely, so I sort of followed him to the shack. He then proceeded to lift the water with his hands, like he was some sort of aqua-man. Following that, Percy gave me a bit of a fright. This fright caused me to unveil my secret, which caught the shack on fire for a little bit." I summarized. Jason stared at me with a blank expression.

"I'm not the best story teller. In other words, as of last week, Percy woke up one day with the ability to control water and I can suddenly make fire with my hands."

That took awhile to sink in. It was a lot for Jason, and all of us. Saying it aloud made me realize the intensity of this situation. Even I couldn't turn this into a joke.

"For the record, I'm a lot cooler than aqua-man." Percy mumbled.

Jason stared at him for a moment, then started to laugh. After a few seconds of this, Percy joined in. Then I did. Don't mind us, just three boys rolling around on the floor in laughter hoping it will drown out their thoughts.

The door to the common room opened, and we laughed even harder. Hermione Granger and Annabeth Chase walked in. They paused their conversation when they saw us.

"What in Merlin---what happened?" Annabeth asked, annoyed. Hermione and Annabeth had very similar expressions of annoyance.

"Percy's aqua-man!" I blurted out. Percy and Jason continued to roar with laughter.

"Jason's Mozart!" Percy added.

"Leo's an arsonist!" Jason shouted. We continued to laugh.

"I apologize for those two. The boys are so immature in Gryffindor house." Hermione complained.

"Since you can't apologize for me, I'll just apologize for myself!" I added. Jason, Percy, and I continued to laugh until tears were building up.

"Mental, they are." Annabeth complained. "Let's study somewhere else." The door shut as they left.

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