"Excuse me, sir. I was just wondering if you knew where I could find St. Mungo's?"

The guy stared at me with shock, at first. Probably wondering why a guy who looked like a body-building Sam Evans from Glee was approaching him on the street while a green bean looking character in a sweater vest watched on the sidewalk with amusement.

Wait, I'm in London! I should call it the pavement, shouldn't I?

"St. What?" He asked. British accents were cool. They made a person seem so innocent! A British person could literally stab me with a fork and I would be the one to apologize.

"Never mind, sorry to bother you."

I made my way back to Alex who snorted with laughter.

"I told you it was a stupid idea. St. Mungo's might not even be a mortal place. What's the likelihood that this Hera women sent your cousin to some place in the mortal world?" Alex had a point. Still, I had to keep trying.

"That guy, over there. He seems like a smart dude." I pointed to a guy in glasses. Everybody with glasses had at least some wiseness to them. "I'm going for it."

Alex rolled his eyes.

I approached the man with confidence, he had to know. If we didn't find this St. Mungo's place, this would have all been for nothing. I couldn't stand to look at the defeated look in Reyna, Grover, and Thalia's eyes for another minute.

"Excuse me, sir." The man continued to walk, not glancing in my direction. "Do you happen to know where a place called St. Mungo's is located?"

"I'm in a hurry," he said. "Bother somebody else."

I apologized to him. See what I mean? He was rude to me, and I was apologizing. Wow, I was weak.

Alex was practically rolling on the ground in laughter. I couldn't even for anymore advice, so I gave it one last shot.

Jack buzzed in my pocket. I took him out and he turned into sword mode. I wasn't worried about the mortals seeing anything. Their eyes had a way of tricking them to be oblivious to what was right in front of them. They probably saw me talking to one of those purse puppies you see celebrities carry around.

"Señor, not to insult your plan or anything, but it is not good and it is not working. Perhaps you should find another useful thing to do?" Jack suggested. "You can be here for the comic relief, you don't need to help with this plot!"

"Correction, Jack, you're here for comic relief. I'm here to find out where the heck my cousin and her boyfriend vanished off to. Instead of complaining, why don't you help me find someone to approach?"

I wished more than ever that Hearth and Blitz, or Sam would be here. They all had really good judge of character. I tried to think of what they would say, and the advice of one of those particular people stuck out to me.

I knew what Blitz would say right now. He always said that a person's style told a lot about their personality. I decided take his advice and I looked around on the streets of London, searching for a style that stuck out to me.

There. A women, she was wearing an odd assortment of clothes. She wore a homemade-looking sweater, so she had to be a mother. Mothers were good. Her shirt was big, long, and poofy. The shirt seemed to have every color I'd every seen, and more. It was its own version of the rainbow. This led me to assuming she had a big personality, people with good personalities were typically open-minded and understanding. An open-minded person may be willing to talk a wild looking group like us to this place.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Jack turned back into a pendant. I stuffed him into my pocket once more and he buzzed in protest. He hated my pocket, said the lint gave him allergies.

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