Not Emo (Platonic/Romantic Prinxiety)

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A little spicy, you'll see, nothing happens lmao, and take it romantically or platonically I guess (also, if you wanna know what part of the video made me write this, go to 2:24)

Roman wasn't, isn't, emo. Did he like certain songs by bands that were classified as such? Yes, it's normal for someone to like songs outside of their 'designated' genre of music they listened to. So, despite listening to select songs, Roman wasn't into emo music. 

That changed as little bit when he head Virgil singing an old Panic! At The Disco song.

He was passing by the anxious Side's door when he heard his voice, low and deep. "There was a terrible... crash," he sang softly before moving on. "Between her and the badge, she spilled her purse and her bag, and held a "purse" of a different kind." 

Roman stopped to listen, eyes widening and face flushing as Virgil sang the next line differently. "Along with the people in-" he sang, practically moaning around the lyrics before moving on. "-side, what a wonderful, caricature of intimacy! Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy!"

He paused for a music break as the prince brought a hand to his mouth, feeling his face on fire due to the sound of Virgil's voice. Why had he sung that so... sexually? He bit down on his lip and knocked on the door. "V-Virgil?"

There was a sudden cease to the music and shuffling from inside the room before the door open. The anxious Side's hair was messier than usual, as if he'd been running his fingers through it, and his cheeks were a bit pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, Princey?"

"What the hell are you doing in there?" he managed, clawing a hand through his own hair as he flushed. 

"I'm just singing the song," Virgil replied with a shrug, looking a little embarrassed. 

Roman raised as suspicious eyebrow as he scoffed. "Oh, so moaning is part of the song then?" he questioned, making the emo nightmare got even redder in the face. 

"A-Actually, it kinda is," he said, walking away and leaving the door open as a way of telling the prince to follow. "It's how one of the old band members used to sing it when they performed the song live. Also, you'd be surprised how many emo songs contain moaning, and if you thought that was bad, I can't wait until you hear "Destroya" for the first time."

Roman didn't question him about the song he just mentioned as he pulled up a YouTube video. He read the title, recognizing the Panic! At The Disco. "I know that band, I'm used it to make an nickname for you," he said as the video started. 

"Nope, you know the new stuff, the Bachelor Era where band includes only officially Brendon Urie," Virgil correct. "This was back in the Fever Era, when the band had three other members."

The prince almost rolled his eyes at the anxious Side's excessive knowledge of the band, but reminded himself it was no different than his knowledge of all things theatre and Disney. He sat down next to Virgil to watch the video, smirking a little bit.

"Brendon Urie was a cutie even back then," he joked, earning a small laugh from him. He was about to joke about the clothing when the guitarist sang the line he'd previously heard Virgil singing.

"Along with the people in~" the guitarist sang into the mic, a slight moan in his voice that made the prince suck in a breath and blush furiously. 

The anxious Side next to him paused it to shoot him a smirk as he covered his mouth. "Damn," he managed, laughing a little in embarrassment. "I don't know who that guy is, but damn."

"That's Ryan Ross, Roman," Virgil explained with a laugh. "He and Jon Walker left Panic! in 2009 to start The Young Veins, even if it didn't last for very long... Spencer Smith, the drummer, left in 2015, and Dallon Weekes, the bassist added after Jon and Ryan's departure, just recently announced his official separation from the band. Ryan Ross is like, a ghost legend in the emo community. He's completely dropped off the face of the planet, but is still worshiped like a god. We're all just silently praying he'll release music soon, or that he'll rejoin Panic! to sing with Brendon again."

Roman replayed the part of the video, humming in appreciation for the lusty tone and beauty of his singing voice. "When the man sings like that, I can't blame them," he admitted, earning a laugh from the Side next to him. "Can you show me more?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

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