Sleep Deprivation Makes You Loopy (Part Two) (Prinxiety)

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You guys wanted it so here it is

Virgil POV:

My eyes flickered open, meeting a dim, yet bright, room. I felt warm and safe for once, making me smile. Then I realized I wasn't in my room, or my bed... and I realized I felt safe and warm because I being held by a pair of arms close to someone's chest.

My heart started racing as my cheeks flushed. What the heck was I doing in someone's arms?! And who's were they?!

Looking around the room with my eyes as they started to clear, my heart dropped. Oh my god... what am I doing in Roman's room?! Why am I in Roman's bed?! What did I say?! What did I do?! What if he doesn't like me?! He might just be doing this in his sleep and he's going to wake up disgusted!! What is wrong with me!!?

I wiggled out of his arms, pacing his room as I panicked. What did I do? I can't remember what I did! I know I wasn't drunk so why couldn't I remember? Was I tired? Wait, yeah, I hadn't slept for three days...


I jumped looking at the bed to see Roman sitting up and rubbing his eyes. My breathing picked up as I desperately tried to think of something I could say.

"I'm so sorry for whatever I did last night! I don't know what happened and you probably hate me now-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down," Roman said, waking up more at what I said. I fidgeted nervously, not making eye contact as he got out of his bed. "Virgil, what's wrong? Why would I hate you?"

"Cause of something I did last night that I can't remember..." I mumbled. He was silent for a moment before laughing.

I felt him tilt my head up to look at him by my chin. He smiled wide. "Virgil, you were a sweetheart last night," he told me, making my eyes go wide. "You were so tired that you cuddled into me when you smelled my cologne. You had, like, no filter. It was adorable!"

I blushed furiously, looking away and hiding my face. "What did I say?" I asked super quietly.

Roman's POV:

I blushed, laughing nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, you uh, you told me you love me, so there's that," I said.

Virgil's gaze snapped back to me as his mouth fell open. He started backing away, shaking his head and muttering 'no' over and over again.


"No! You weren't supposed to hear that! What was I thinking?!" he said, aggressively running a hand through his hair. He started going on and on about how I probably hated him and that I'd never return his feelings. I just watched with wide eyes until I finally smiled. I walked right up to him, making him back away because of how intimidated he was. "Roman? What are you-"

I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his firmly. Mine had slipped closed, but I assumed his eyes went wide. He was tense for a moment before I felt him relax and hesitantly kiss me back. I pulled away with a smile and a small blush on my cheeks.

"I love you too, okay?"

He was frozen for a moment, blushing; but then he smiled and touched his lips with an awed expression on his face. I smiled at him and then he jumped at me, hugging me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him back. Then I felt his  nose against my neck, and blushed. He chuckled and nuzzled into my neck.

"Oh, yeah, you still smell really nice by the way."

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora