Missing a Mate (LAMP)

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I'm sorry right now because I've never written a "hybrid AU" before and I hope this goes okay. It's a prompt obviously so I'm sorry if this is terrible!

Something felt off. Virgil, Logan, and Roman couldn't put their fingers on it. The three of them were mates, despite Roman being a lion hybrid, Logan being a cheetah hybrid, and Virgil being a wolf hybrid. It was great, but something was missing.

Virgil tugged his hoodie a little tighter over his head he wore to hide his ears as he walked to meet his mates at the ice cream parlor. He envied their ease of hiding their features, however he did love his heavy black and purple hoodie. Logan and Roman were already waiting for him when he arrived. He received kisses from each as he sat down, smiling a little as he decided what he wanted. Roman and Logan had purposefully waited to order so their ice cream wouldn't melt while they waited for the wolf hybrid of their little 'pack' so to speak. When the three of them received their ice cream, Virgil spoke up about what was bothering all of them.

"I think we're missing a mate guys," he said suddenly and quickly. The other two looked up, shocked but not surprised. They felt the same way, they simply hadn't expected him to state it so suddenly.

"I do agree," Logan said with a small nod.

Roman nodded, annoyance, sadness, and confusion in his voice. "It's so frustrating! I love you guys so much and yet it feels like a entire part of us is missing!" he sighed.

Virgil and Logan nodded in agreement, placing their hands on top of his. "We'll find them eventually Roman" Virgil said with a sigh.

Patton was breathing heavily as he ran. His backpack thumped against his back as his feet hit the ground. He needed to get away; he couldn't bare being with his family any longer. Hybrid hunters... his whole family were hybrid hunters. He, was no hybrid, but he didn't agree with hunting them down.

So here he was, stumbling to a stop at a bus stop. A boy about his age looked at him curiously. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, offering him an arm to steady himself.

"I have- I have to get- away," Patton panted out. "My family... they're horrible and I can't bare it anymore..."

He was holding back tears, suddenly very scared. Would his family come after him? Even if they didn't, where was he to go? He didn't have anywhere!

"Why don't you stay with me?" the boy said with a smile. "My name's Thomas."

Patton looked at him in awe. "I'm Patton. Can I really stay with you?"

"Of course! My family would be happy to take you in!" he said with a smile. "Come on, I was just one my way home from school."

The two of them walked to Thomas' house, getting to know each other. When they arrived, Thomas introduced Patton to his parents and explained his situation to them. True to Thomas' word, they happily accepted him, already arranging plans for him to be transferred to Thomas' school. He spent that night in the guest room that would soon be his own, smiling as he fell asleep.

Within a week, Patton was walking into school with Thomas, looking around with excitement. Thomas had mostly the same schedule until 7th period. Patton had made it through the class, but hadn't noticed the three sets of eyes on him the entire time. As he gathered his things after the final bell, he rushed out into the hall way and bumped into someone. Both of them fell to the ground.

Patton rubbed the back of his head as he looked at who he'd knocked over. "Oh I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed. It was Virgil, and his hood had fallen off. Patton's eyes went wide as he helped him to his feet. "You're a hybrid?"

Virgil pulled his hood over his ears blushing as he looked away with a nod. There as something about Patton that was making him very flustered. Logan and Roman walked over. "Virgil are you alright?" Roman asked him, having saw him fall. He brushed noses with him.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine Roman," he said with a small smile. Logan took his other hand lacing their fingers together.

"Please be more careful next time," he told his mate. Virgil nodded with a blush. Patton watched the interaction, his heart soaring with the adorableness of the three of them.

"Are you three hybrid mates?" he blurted before he could stop himself. The three of them nodded. "That's amazing! Is it just you three?"

The three of them shared a look and shook their heads in unison. "Oh? Who's the other mate?" Patton asked curiously with a smile. Virgil smiled a little as Roman smirked and Logan raised a knowing eyebrow. Patton was confused. "What?"

"You are," Virgil said, reaching out his hand. Patton's eyes went wide as he blushed. "You're the one we've been missing."

"W-What? T-That can't be right! I'm just a human!" he stammered. What scared him was that he felt the connection between them as Virgil held his hand. He bit his lip as he looked away. "It can't be me... my old family were hybrid hunters... I- I ran away..."

Roman placed his hand over his and Virgil's. The connection felt stronger. "That was brave of you to do if you don't believe what they stand for," he said with a smile. Patton looked down at his hand in Virgil's with Roman's on top. Logan put his on top of Roman's causing the connection to feel complete.

"There's only one explanation for that energy we feel," Logan said, smiling a little. "You're the missing mate."

Patton looked down at their hands. He felt the energy he was talking about... he'd felt it as soon as he'd looked at Virgil. Slowly, he smiled, looking at the three of them. "If you three will have me, I'd love to be your mate, even if I'm just a human," he said.

The three of them were beaming as they one by one pressed kisses to Patton's lips. "Welcome to our little pack," Roman said with a grin.

"I'm glad to be your mate," he said to the three of them with a smile. "I'm Patton by the way."

Prompt by this person

Yeah that was terrible, I'm sorry!! :(I'll try to do better next time

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Yeah that was terrible, I'm sorry!! :(
I'll try to do better next time...

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