Too Cute (Prinxiety)

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Roman's POV:

I approached the common room to see if anyone wanted to be my training partner when I heard a voice singing a little. I peaked around the doorway, jaw dropping at what I saw. Virgil, Anxiety, was listening to a song in his headphones, singing along as he danced around the room, giggling.

Oh... my... god...

My cheeks were scarlet as the emo nightmare smiled at his phone and blew his bangs out of his face. For a brief moment, I could see his eyes sparkling before they fell back into place. My heart was racing and practically aching to just run up and hug him. I wanted to hold him and kiss his cheeks and rub our noses together. I blushed even more at my train of thought, smiling to myself as I turned to the kitchen to get water for training. I decided I would ask Logan to train with me today, because I wasn't sure I could keep a straight face around Virgil at the moment.

About a week later, I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd caught him doing. It literally kept me up at night because I'd randomly start giggling about how cute he was. I have never been more embarrassed about something before.

One fine day, Logan and Patton were filming with Thomas for the day, and I needed a training partner. That left Virgil to be the only one available. He was sitting on the couch in the common room, scrolling through what was most likely Tumblr on his phone. He glance up as I entered the room, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "Hey there, Princey," he said, making my heart lurch.

"Uh, greetings," I replied, inwardly cursing as I felt my nerves kicking in.

My slight stammer made Virgil look up curiously. "You good?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! Of course! I'm fine!" I responded quickly, trying to appear confident. "I was actually coming in here to inquire if you'd be willing to be my training partner today."

He again looked at me curiously. "Why? Don't you hate me?" he asked sarcastically. "And you always train with Logan anyway. What is he, your nerdy boyfriend or something?"

I blushed dark red at the implication that Logan and I would be romantically together. It confused me though, seeing as Patton and Logan were openly in a relationship. "No, aren't he and Pat-"

"I was being sarcastic Princey," he cut me off with an eye roll. "Don't get your tights in a bunch, I'll help you train."

I frowned as he stood, looking down at myself. "I'm- I'm not wearing tights?" I say, confused as he looked at me with amusement. "What's so funny? I don't get the insult. How is it an insult if I'm not wearing them?"

"It was just a stab at the stereotype that princes wear tights," Virgil said with a chuckle as he headed for the Imagination.

I didn't reply as I tried to contain my blush. I felt really stupid at the moment, and my heart is racing. Virgil was actually going to train with me, oh my god... I was going to be alone, fighting with Virgil. My brain immediately played the scene of him dancing in my head, making me blush and turn my face away from him. I was trying desperately to avoid eye contact. As we reached my training center, I was shaking slightly as I picked up my fencing sword. Virgil must have noticed because he spoke up as we readied to fight.

"You good, dude?" he asked with a confused, and teasing smile. "You're looking a little shaky, Princey. What's goin' on?"

I raised my sword, not realizing what I'd started to say. "I've not been able to get the image of you dancing your little emo heart out in common room for the past week."

Virgil's POV:

His voice was teasing, but made my voice disappear for a moment. My cheeks burned as I lunged forward with my sword. He met it with his, blocking my swing. Our faces were fairly close together, making my heart race. "I'm sure it would be hard for you to get me out of your head," I responded, trying to hide my embarrassment by flirting back. "After all, it would be hard to stop thinking about someone who rivals your beauty."

Roman's cheeks went scarlet as he pushed me back and prepared to swing at me again. I blocked it, but he parried me, sending sword into the air. He caught it with ease and pointed both blades at me. I put my hands up with a teasing smirk.

"Well then, I guess you're just far too superior for me," I say, making him blush even more.

The prince moved to put away the swords, keeping his back to me. "H-Hey, um..." he started, clearly nervous by the shaking in his voice. "Virge, I- uh... I have something I should tell you..."

I raised my eyebrow, intrigued and confused at the same time as he turned back toward me. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he spoke again. "I kinda have a crush on you..."

His voice had gotten so soft by the end that I could barely hear him; but I had. My eyes were wide as my heart lurched against my rib cage. My breathing was fast and shallow as I tried to think about what I should respond with. I hadn't realized I panicked until my vision started going in and out. I was shaking, but I managed to seeing Roman's worried face as he ran toward me.

"Vir- eathe- -gil!"

I couldn't really understand him, but I was starting to put the pieces together as he placed a hand on my chest and guided it up and down. His touch was keeping me grounded, pulling me back into reality. I opened my eyes to see Roman's in front of me. He was looking at me with a gentle smile.

"Hey, breathe Virgil..." he said, voice soothing. "You're alright, breathe..."

I nodded, slowly calming down a little. When I looked into Roman's eyes, I could see hurt and sadness in them. Realization hit me like a truck. He must think I didn't return his feelings because I panicked. As my hands stopped shaking, I used my composure to grab his shirt and pull him into a passionate kiss. He gasped but kissed me back, holding my cheeks.

"So, you..." Roman started to say, looking into my eyes breathlessly as we pulled away. I nodded, smiling a little. He laugh in relief as I kissed his cheek. He responded by pressing another gentle kiss to my lips. "I'm so glad, because you're too cute not to kiss."

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