Prince Dreamy and Mr. Purrfect (Prinxiety)

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Virgil's POV:

I was super bored one evening, and I guess I thought it was a good idea to go on Wattpad of all websites. What could possibly go wrong on Wattpad?

Don't answer that.

I was scrolling through my recommended list, which is never a good idea on Wattpad because they'll often suggest things that have suggestive things in them. However, that wasn't the issue I had today.

I was just curious... I didn't realize what 'Prinxiety' meant... I should have though... I tapped on it and started reading, realizing very quickly what it was. I blushed bright red as I read the short story about myself... and Princey. I was having a panic attack and he came in and calmed me down. It described how he held me close and whispered comforting things in my ear. I got chills just thinking about it, remembering that happening only once before. I rubbed the back of my neck, which had goosebumps on it from the memory as I recalled it.

I had been the one and only time he'd found me during a panic attack. He'd done just that, held me close and told me everything would be fine. What he hadn't done, was what this one shot continued to describe.

In the writing, he confessed that he cared about me because he was in love with me. *laughs nervously* I-I m-mean, could you IMAGINE? He then continued to lean in closer until his lips were on mine.

I felt myself blush even more as I reread it. In a moment of stupidity, I tapped to comment before typing: 'I wish that was how it happened.'

I knew that the other people on Wattpad would assume I was a RP account. I used an inside joke as my username, so I doubt anyone would actually realize it was me. It was as I had that thought that I glanced at the comment above it, face paling. I was from only a minute before mine, and I'd recognize that username anywhere.

Roman's POV:

I blushed a little, smiling as I read the Prinxiety one shot. It was a depiction of Anxiety having a panic attack but I find him and hold him close as I helped calm him down, not unlike one time that had happened before. However, in this short story, I told him my feelings and kissed him. I found it... rather an adorable thought. Flustering of course, I was reading about my rival/friend and myself kissing, but it was also bittersweet for me.

I tapped to comment, typing: 'I wish I had done that instead of just leaving.'

They'll just assume I'm a Role Play account, I thought with a roll of my eyes. My username's a joke so no one will know it's really me-

My heart lurched as someone commented again, seeing the username. No way...

Virgil's POV:

"T-That can't be... Princey?" I breathed, rereading the comment and the username over and over again. Sure enough, it definitely was. I was the only one who ever called him that, and it wasn't in a video.

I leapt from my bed, rushing to the door. I swung it open, eyes widening as I met Princey standing there. We stared at each other, faces both red and hearts racing.

I started to talk the best I could. "I-"

I couldn't finish what I was about to say before he held my face and kissed me hard. I gasped, eyes widening as I placed my hands on his chest. He walked us back into my room and closed the door with his foot. I slowly let myself sink into it, eyes slipping closed as my arms wrapped themselves around his neck. When he finally pulled away, we stared at each other, breathless and red in the face.

"That's... that's what you wanted me to do right?" Princey asked me softly. His gaze searched mine hopefully and fearfully. I nodded, eyes slipping closed as I leaned in to kiss him again. He returned it, backing us up to my bed, which we fell on to. He pulled away again, hovering above me with a breathless smile. I returned it before letting it turn into a smirk.

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