Don't Do It (Prinxiety)

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Trigger Warning: self harm
This was requested. It's angsty but also a little fluffy. It's a Soulmate AU like "Your Words On My Wrist"

Virgil's POV:

I don't fully remember how I got there, but I was crying and shaking. I knew other kids had seen me as I ran into the bathroom. I was sobbing as I locked myself in a stall and curled in on myself.

Everything came crashing down on me at once. All the thoughts that screamed everyone hated me, the fears that everyone wouldn't notice if I disappeared.

The tears stopped as I just let the thoughts run. I felt empty inside, like I couldn't feel anything anymore. I wanted to feel something. Anything would be enough to at least convince myself I wasn't a monster.

I couldn't help it... I pulled out the spare razor blade I always kept in my backpack. I raise it to my wrist, about to slide it across the skin when I hesitated. I froze, looking at the cursive hand writing on my wrist.

Don't do it.

The tears came back, pouring down my cheeks in waterfalls. Someone... had told me not to once... it had been the first thing they'd said to me... they cared about me... to hurt myself I'd hurt them...

The blade clattered to the bathroom floor as I sobbed. I stayed there curled up with my eyes squeezed shut for a length of time before I heard someone rush into the bathroom. They stopped in front of my stall.

"Virgil?" he called softly, knocking on the stall door. My crying quieted, telling him that it was me. "Virgil, can you unlock the door for me, love?"

I shakily reached forward and slid the lock open. He opened the door and came into the stall, closing it behind him. He knelt down in front of me, taking my hand. I looked at him, meeting his eyes with my own glossy ones. His eyes drifted to the razor blade on the floor, fear flashing through his gaze as he looked back at me.

"I-I didn't do it..." I whispered. He sighed in relief, squeezing my hand.

"I'm proud of you," he said, smiling. I gave him a weak one back. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I j-just... I just..." I couldn't explain it. I didn't even know what happened. A few tears fell from my eyes as I looked down. "You love me right... you wouldn't want me to disappear right..."

"Of course," he said, pulling me close to his chest. "A world without you wouldn't be worth living in. I love you so much Virgil, and I promise I always will. I'll help you get through this, I promise."

I curled into his chest, relaxing into his warm and the sound of his voice. I wanted to be strong for him, so I could be with him, so I could hold him and love him for the rest of my life.

"I love you too Roman."

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