Air (No Ship)

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Patton loved flying. He loved being a fairy, but more so, he loved being a fairy of air magic. His friends in the fairy community often commented on how fitting it was, seeing as he was an airhead. He knew they were right, despite being slightly hurt that they'd all agreed on it. Nonetheless, being an air fairy was a delightful thing to be.

His powers included the ability to create and control wind and air. Such powers also made him naturally faster than most other fairies. Patton LOVED using wind currents to twirl through the cloudy skies, passing the fairies he called his friends.

They weren't really his friends, he learned. He'd heard them talking about him while he was supposedly out of earshot, saying things about how they pitied him for being so annoying and flakey. Their comments on that he'd never find love either were what stung the most. That was all he wanted from this life: love. When his so-called "friends" claimed Patton would never find it, he tried to get away from the kingdom to clear his head.

Today, his feathery white and blue wings were carrying him through the peaceful sky. It was April, the perfect month in Patton's opinion. It's nice and warm, but it had cool breezes that made him sigh in relief. It just felt, nice! Those breezes through his feathers was easily one of his favorite feelings as he soared through the sky without a care.

He couldn't help but pause though, seeing a glimpse of the earth beneath the thick layer of clouds beneath his feet. Whispering a spell, he stepped onto soft substance composed of water vapor. Said spell allowed Patton to walk on the clouds we ease while still maintaining their behaviors as clouds. He knelt down to his knees, wiping away at some of the clouds. The world below became even clearer, making his breath catch in his throat. It looked so... green!

The fairies never left their paradise in the sky, never needing or desiring to. However, Patton was different, wanting to see things and meet new creatures. How knew what species lurked in those trees below? Perhaps it was there he'd find the love he desired rather than here in the clouds. But did he dare?

Was going down there on his own safe? Sure, he could protect himself, but he'd rather not have to. Maybe he should go down anyway. What if he was to get injured? He had healing magic, as it was a basic magic for all fairies, regardless of element, but did he trust himself to get back?

He frowned, looking down at the trees below. They were practically begging him to come closer. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself to fall forward through the cloud and into the air.

Patton snapped open his wings as he summoned a gust of wind to guide him over the unfamiliar land. He smiled wide.

He was going to find love, somewhere.

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now