Fluffy (Logicality)

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Logan stopped. He'd been walking by Patton's room, but he'd heard a noise. It was a strange noise. He wasn't sure if it was one of pain or joy. He turned toward the door, knocking on it gently. "Patton? Are you alright?"

"U-Uh! I'm f-fine!"

Logan was not convinced. Raising an eyebrow, he opened the door. He saw Patton sitting on the bed with his hands behind his back; almost as if he was hiding something from him. "Patton, what are you hiding from me?" he asked, approaching him.

"N-Nothing!" he squeaked, scooting away from him as he neared.

Logan got an idea, smirking. He leaned onto the bed with his hands, moving close to him. Patton blushed, laughing nervously. "Whatcha hiding Patton?" he asked teasingly. "Something you don't want me to find? What is it?"

"N-NOTHING!" he squealed, flushing as Logan brushed their noses together.

Logan didn't stop, leaning in to his neck. "Tell me, Patton," he murmured.

"OKAY! OKAY!" he gasped, making Logan smirk as he pulled away. He pulled his arms back around to reveal what had been holding behind his back. His boyfriend's eyes widened in shock and confusion. "Please don't be mad."

He had no words other than the simple question. "Patton... is that a rabbit?"

"Yes, it's a bunny and I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was worried you get mad at me and make me get rid of it and I don't wanna get rid of it because it's really fluffy and adorable and please don't be mad- mmf!"

Logan had pressed a gentle kiss to his lips to make him stop rambling. "I'm not mad," he said when they pulled away. "I wish you'd told me, but I'm not mad at you."

"Really?" he asked shyly, smiling a little as he gently stroked the rabbit's ears. Logan nodded, sighing a little as he looked down at the small creature. "I am really sorry for not telling you, I was just so worried you wouldn't let me keep him. He's so fluffy!"

"What's his name?" Logan asked, petting the small white rabbit.

Patton blushed a little, looking away. "I named him Logan," he mumbled.

His boyfriend chuckled at his embarrassment. He knew what he did so, which made it even cuter that he did. "You're too adorable," he said, making him confused as to who he was talking to.

"Wait, me or the bunny?" Patton asked with a confused expression.

Logan smiled, leaning in to brush their noses together and making his boyfriend blush and giggle a little. "You, of course."

Short but I hope it was cute, this is for the person who requested it:

Short but I hope it was cute, this is for the person who requested it:

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Idk what's wrong with Wattpad, but I hope this is publishing normally

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