The Best Dads (Slight Prinxiety)

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Virgil was fourteen years old. He'd been adopted by two men when he was four, and had grown up under their care for ten years now. Virgil wasn't very affectionate, but he was truthful when he said he loved his dads; and despite his lack of displaying affection, they both knew he loved them.

One day, Virgil was walking home from school, wiping his face because it had tears running down it. Some kids at school had made fun of him during lunch, and Virgil, having a very low self-esteem, took all their snide comments to heart. He wiped his tears away as he approached his house, not wanting to raise suspicions from his fathers that he'd been bullied.

He unlocked the door and immediately started heading for his room. "Hey kiddo!" one of his dads, Patton, called from the kitchen. He came out of the kitchen, smiling at his son. "You wanna bake with me? I'll let you eat some of the cookie dough if you don't tell Logan."

"I HEARD THAT," Logan called from his office as Patton winked at Virgil. He smiled a little at the interaction but shook his head sadly.

"I'm really sorry but I've got some killer geometry homework I have to get done," he told his dad, hating seeing the disappointment flash through his eyes. "I promise I'll help you frost them though."

Patton smiled at that, knowing that Virgil did want to spend time with him. "Alright kiddo," he said.

"Uh, do you know if Logan's doing anything like, super important? Cause I kinda need his help. Unless you know how to do this," Virgil said, taking out his geometry homework. Patton took one look at it and handed it back at him with a shake of his head.

"Sorry kiddo, I have no idea how to do that stuff," he said with a small laugh. "You could probably ask Logan though! I'm sure he could take a ten minute break from whatever he's working on to help you, and when you're done, COOKIES!"

Virgil shook his head with a smile as his dad rushed back into the kitchen. Taking his homework with him, he went to knock on the door of his other dad's office. "Come in!"

He opened the door shyly as Logan turned around in his desk chair. "Ah, Virgil, what can I help you with?" he asked as his son approached him.

"I need help with my homework," he said quietly. Logan's eyes lit up as he showed him the geometry sheet. "If you're not busy that is..."

"No, of course not," he said, beckoning him over. Sure enough, with Logan's help, the math homework that would've taken Virgil two hours on his own, took about ten minutes, and he completely understood the concept!

"Thanks Logan," he said, smiling at him. He preferred to be referred to as Logan rather than dad, but when things got overwhelming sometimes he'd call him dad. His father nodded to him, returning his smile as he left the office. Just before he did, Logan called him though.

"Oh, Virgil," he said, making him turn as he opened the door. "Did anything happen at school today?"

Virgil paled but shook his head. Logan nodded, not questioning him further. He closed the office door behind him and went to the kitchen to help Patton. Greeted with a smile, he joined him in finishing up the cookies. Logan came out in time to assist with the last step: decorating. The three of them laughed and joked with each other as the finished decorating the cookies (and to Logan's complaint, eating a few before dinner). When they'd calmed down and ordered a pizza, Patton and Logan sat Virgil down on the couch.

"Virgil, can you please tell us what happened at school today?" Patton asked, looking at him with concern. "And don't tell us nothing happened because I can tell by your eyes that you've been crying."

He fourteen year old looked away sadly. "A couple kids said somethings to me that I took too seriously," he explained in a quiet voice. "They called me... well, they called me a faggot for one, and a freak. It's stupid, I shouldn't let stuff like that get to me."

"Virgil, you're not a freak, and those kids have no business using a term like that," Patton said, clearly angry, but more concerned with his son. "More importantly, it's okay to feel sad."

They continued to discuss that it for another minute or two until they changed the subject. "Oh, I thought I should let you guys know, um..." Virgil said, fidgeting. "I have a crush..."

Patton smiled wide and Logan smiled as well. "OH! What's his name?"

"His name's Roman..." Virgil said blushing. Patton awed at him while Logan just smiled. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Logan said he'd get it and got up, assuming it was the pizza. It in fact wasn't the pizza.

Logan opened the door, finding a boy that looked Virgil's age had rung the doorbell. "May I help you?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, yes, hi! Uh, my name's Roman," he said, waving a little. Logan's eyes widened a little. "Is uh- is Virgil around?"

He nodded quickly, turning his head to call for him. "Virgil! There's somewhere here to see you!"

He was confused but rushed up to the door as Logan walked back to Patton. He pulled it open the rest of the way, stopping frozen as he saw who it was.

"Uh, hey! I uh... I uh- I saw you crying while you were walking and I wanted to come see if you were alright," Roman said, rubbing the back of his head with a shy smile. "I'm Roman by the way."

Virgil blushed, looking away nervously. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright," he said. "Uh, thanks, and Virgil."

"I know," Roman said, blushing a little.

"Why don't you invite him in for dinner, Virgil?" Patton called from the kitchen. Virgil blushed furiously.

"We ordered a pizza, and we have cookies, if you want you can join us," he told Roman shyly.

His crush smiled wide. "I'd love to!" he said, stepping inside as Virgil opened the door wider.

After a night of eating pizza and cookies, Patton and Logan trying to make Virgil look good for his crush, and Roman and Virgil being blushing messes, they were nervously walking to the door. Virgil opened it for him and Roman stepped outside.

"Thanks for coming," he said with a smile. Roman returned it, nodding and turning to leave when he stopped himself.

"Actually, Virgil, um..." he started, nervously fidgeting as he continued. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime?"

Virgil's eyes widened to saucers. "Y-Yes, I'd love to!" he replied. Roman smiled wide, blushing a little.

"Movie on Saturday? 7:00?" Roman asked as he started walking down the sidewalk. Virgil nodded and waved before closing the door. He blushed as Patton cheered.

"You guys are the best."

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