Tiger (LAMP)

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I'm going to say it right now, I don't want to see comments about how poly relationships are messed up, or that they create jealousy, or that you don't like them, or that YOU think that's not how love works, or that they're going to have foursomes and shit. If you don't fucking like them, don't fucking read them.

Virgil was searching frantically through the mindscape, on the verge of a panic attack. The pun was not intended, though it was accurate as he rummaged through the couch cushions and drawers.

"Come on, come on! Where is it?!" he cried, growing more and more desperate as hot tears started to prick his eyes.

Logan looked up from his book upon hearing him speak, concern for his boyfriend taking control of his attention. "Have you lost something, Virgil?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but it's fine, go back to reading Logan," he snapped quickly as he emptied drawer after drawer. He didn't want to be a bother, so he'd declined the possibility of him offering to help. The logical Side wasn't buying that it was fine. He could hear the panic in his voice.

Logan stood and left the room, leaving Virgil to continue his search. The anxious Side continued to move through every public room of the Mind Palace, breathing becoming more and more jagged as he continued not to find what he was looking for. He was breaking down as he gripped his head, tears starting to fall down his cheeks.

"Virgil? Sweetheart? Are you alright?" Patton asked as he and his other two boyfriends entered the room and sat down next to him. He rubbed his back to comfort him as he cried. "Logan told us you lost something, what did you lose?"

"TIGER!! He's g-gone!! I-I can't find him!!" Virgil sobbed, clearly panicking as he shook.

Roman knelt down in front of him as the others hugged him from the sides. The prince took his hands, letting the anxious Side squeeze them. Patton and Logan kept rubbing his back. "Virgil, what's Tiger? We'll help you find him," the moral Side reassured.

"H-He's my t-tiger plush!!" he cried, shaking. "H-He was on m-my b-bed when I f-first got here!! He's the first t-thing that I o-owned and now h-he's gone!!"

His boyfriends all looked between each other in concern as they stood up. Patton pulled Virgil up, supporting him as they started walking around. "We're going to find him, alright?" he said, voice soothing. "Breathe, okay? Can you do that for me?"

Virgil nodded, feeling lightheaded as he started taking deep breaths. Roman and Logan had spread out across the Mind Palace, searching every room and crevice that the tiger plush could be in. Roman stumbled across it, tucked under a piece of furniture. He didn't care how it got there, he just wanted to get it back to his boyfriend. He brushed it off and rushed back into Virgil's room where Patton was comforting him.

"I found it!" he said, making them gasp as they looked up.

Virgil rushed forward, grabbing it from him and squeezing it close as he cried. He sat back down on his bed as Logan entered to see him cuddling it close as he sniffled. The three of them smiled affectionately at the sight of their boyfriend holding Tiger.

"T-Thank you, Roman," he murmured as he hid his face. "Thank you, all of you for helping."

The prince sat down next to him on his right, while Logan sat down at the foot of the bed, and Patton sat down on his left side. Roman leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Of course, Virgil," he said with a smile.

The anxious Side grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him on the lips, earning laughs from the other two. When he pulled away, he turned and kissed Patton more gently. They shared smiles before Virgil looked over at Logan at the foot of the bed.

"Come on, you know you want one," Virgil teased as he crawled down to kiss his other boyfriend too. The other two giggled a little at the logical Side's shocked face when he pulled away. The emo nightmare smiled at the three people he loved. "Seriously, thank you, guys. I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't find him."

They all smiled, and the creative Side spoke up. "Well, it is honor to finally meet Tiger," he said with a smile, earning nods of agreement from the other two. Virgil smiled, blushing a little in embarrassment as he pet the plush's head. His boyfriends all awed at the sight. Logan was the one to speak next.

"You are literally too precious to process."

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now