Laughing in the Rain (Prinxiety)

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"Anxiety, do you ever actually laugh?" Thomas asked as he read the question from Twitter. He frowned, realizing that he didn't actually know the answer. "Do you?"

Four heads turned toward him, tilted slightly in curiosity in the way Thomas naturally did. They were all waiting to know the answer; well, all but one.

"Of course he does!" Patton exclaimed before Virgil could stop him. He looked away, shrinking. "It's adorable and wait who asked that?"

Thomas read off the user and they moved on, completely forgetting that Virgil hadn't actually answered. Not that he minded not having to answer that particular question. Filming continued for another hour and it was around dinner time. They'd ordered a pizza, and everyone was talking and laughing, too distracted to notice Virgil sneak off after having a couple slices. They also hadn't noticed how heavily it started raining outside. That was, until they heard something from outside. It was... laughter?

The four of them all heard it, looking amongst themselves before getting up and going over to the window. Four jaws dropped, four pairs of almost identical eyes widened, and four almost identical gasps sounded.

Virgil, Anxiety, was splashing around in the rain, grinning, laughing, and perfectly carefree as he was drenched from head to toe. He kicked the puddles, spraying water as he danced around giggling. Rain was his favorite thing of the natural world. It was so soothing and fun, how could someone not love it? He started humming, thinking about when Thomas was in "Singin' in the Rain" as Gene Kelly.

From inside, Patton smiled affectionately at his dark strange son before returning to the couch to have yet another slice of pizza. Logan and Thomas did the same, leaving Roman to stare at him through the window. His heart was hammering in his chest and his cheeks felt warm as he watched him in awe.

"Geez Roman, just go!" Thomas teased, earning giggles from Patton and a smirk from Logan.

The prince blushed but listened, moving to the front door to go outside. He cautiously exited the house, hoping Virgil wouldn't run from him or feel awkward. At the moment, he was just standing with his face turned up to let the rain fall on his face. Roman's breathing hitched upon seeing his soft and genuine smile, one that they rarely ever saw.

"Uh, hey..." he said quietly as he approached him, making Virgil's eyes open and him to turn to him. Roman offered a smile, looking around. "I didn't realize you loved rain so much."

The anxious Side smiled bashfully, nodding. "You know, you should laugh more often Hot Topic," he said with a smile as he reached out to take his hand. Virgil didn't pull away, making him continue to take his hand in his own. His other hand found its way to his face, gently brushing the other Side's wet bangs out out of his eyes before holding his cheek. "May... may I kiss you, Virgil?"

"W-Why?" he asked nervously, tensing. Was this some kind of twisted joke?

Roman laughed a tiny bit to himself, looking down for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "Because you've been driving me crazy for months now, and it's something I've been dreaming to do. I won't do it unless you feel the same way, and you're comfortable with it. So I'll ask you, please answer truthfully, do you want me to kiss you?"

Virgil's heart was racing as he searched the prince's eyes, lost for words. Was he actually confessing to him? Was the person he loved since the beginning seriously confessing to him? Hesitantly, he nodded, breathing shallow as Roman leaned closer. Their gaze met briefly before they both slipped closed and their lips met. It was soft and intimate, Roman gently kissing him and Virgil tentatively kissing back. When they pulled away, their eyes met and small breathless smiles graced their lips. They leaned back in to kiss again, completely unaware of Patton, Thomas, and Logan watching them from the window with wide smiles.

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