Tipsy to Toddler (Slight Logicality)

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Patton hadn't looked at the contents of the bottle he'd picked up. He recognized upon the bitter liquid hitting the back of his throat that it was alcohol. He almost spit it out as he pulled away in shock.

"Whoops," he shrugged, deciding it couldn't hurt to have a little drink. He was alone, relaxing in his room. "What's the harm in unwinding a little?"

With another shrug, Patton continued to sip the drink. He felt tingly, which he figured was just his tipsy mind. It was when he looked down to see his bed had grown that he got confused. The moral Side looked around his room, realize it seemed to be a lot bigger.

"Huh? Wait- why does my voice sound higher pitched?" he asked no one in particular. Patton walked over to his mirror, gasping upon seeing himself. "I'm shrinking!"

He looked like he was a teenager. He looked at the bottle curiously, squinting as he got even more intrigued. Patton took a few more large sips until the bottle was empty a looked back at himself. He gasped, his voice even higher now. The moral Side looked like a toddler version of himself.

"This is so weird!" he squeaked with a giggle, still feeling tipsy.

There was suddenly a knock at the door as Logan entered. "Salutations, I was wondering-" he stopped as his eyes landed on his fellow Side. He was looking down, at a toddler, that looked like- "Patton?"

"Hi Logan!" he squeaked, giggling as he ran forward and hugged his leg. "I'm a little kid!"

"Y-Yes, I can uh... I can see that?" Logan replied, blushing slightly as he looked at him in confusion. "I'm more concerned with how you got this way."

Patton just giggled and started climbing up his leg, behaving extremely strangely. That was when he noticed the empty bottle of beer on the floor, making his eyes widen. "Patton, were you drinking?"

"Yup! I guess I picked up beer on accident! Now I'm all tipsy!" he giggled in response.

Logan put the dots together, eyes widening again in shock. "No way... when you drink, the inner child part of Thomas gets enhanced because of how alcohol makes you act so you've turned back into a kid. I'll bet that the more you drank, the younger you got," he said, thinking out loud as he tried to pace. Patton clung to his foot, cheering as he was carried with it. "I'll assume that if you were to have more you'd remain in this state given that you'd become an infant if you continued to get younger."

"Weeeee!" Patton cheered as he took another step with his left foot, the tiny moral Side clinging to it.

Logan's cheeks flushed as he stopped, looking down at him. "You're even more ridiculous now," he commented. Patton suddenly let go, backing away from him. He scowled, confused. "What?"

"You think I'm ridiculous?" he asked quietly, biting his lip which was quivering. His eyes were getting glossy as he climbed onto his bed. "Can you leave, please?"

Patton's voice was quiet as he pulled the blankets over his head, hiding. Logan's chest tightened as he realized he'd made a serious mistake.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," he tried, but the lump of blankets was shaking, telling him he was crying. Logan sighed heavily, feeling terrible as he left the room. He knew of a way to cheer up Patton, hoping he'd stop crying while he worked. About twenty minutes later, he was reentering his room with a soft knock. The moral Side was still under his blanket, but not shaking anymore, and it was more like a tent. Logan approached him, tapping he blanket tent gently. "Hey Pat?"

There was no response, making him sigh and tap again. This time, the flap of blanket that functioned as a door opened. Patton was still a little toddler, and his eyes were puffy, his cheeks were stained with tear tracks, and his hair was messy. "What?" he asked, voice hurt though high pitched.

Logan took the plate from behind his back, showing the freshly baked cookies to him. Patton's eyes widened. "May I enter?" he questioned, gesturing to the tent. The moral Side bit his lip as he nodded, snapping his fingers so that it was big enough for both of them. He crawled inside, sitting next to him as he offer the cookies to him.

"I'm very sorry I said that," he apologized as Patton slowly took the plate in awe. "I think you're ridiculous."

The moral Side looked confused and hurt until Logan smiled and continued. "I think you're ridiculously amazing," he said, meeting his eyes. Patton gasped, a small smile on his lips.

"You made a misleading compliment!" he squeaked, wiping his face as he giggled. "S-Sorry I get so emotional. I probably shouldn't have been drinking."

Logan nodded, pointing to the cookies. "Another reason I made you those," he explained as the kid took a bite. "If you're going to drink, you should eat too. Given that you only had one beer, your stomach should be okay to have cookies."

Patton's eyes widened as he swallowed his bite of the first cookie. "You made these?!" he asked with an astonished look on his face as he nodded. "These are literally the best cookies I've ever tasted in my life. How are you so good at baking!?"

"Well, they do say that baking is a form of chemistry," Logan said as he straightened his glasses. "Perhaps thinking of it that way allowed me to make what you have deem 'the best cookies you've ever tasted in your life'."

Patton handed one to him. "Didn't you try them?!" he asked, looking shocked at the fact that he wouldn't have tasted his own cookies. Logan shook his head, chuckling a little as the kid pressed the one he was handing to him to his lips. "Try it!"

He smiled and took a bite, shocked at their pleasant taste as well. "I guess I did do okay," he said as he swallowed. Patton shook his head, smiling.

"No, you didn't do okay, you did amazing!" he squeaked, hugging him. "Thank you, Logan!"

He blushed a little as he hugged him back, smiling. "Anything for you, Patton," he replied.

"Really?" the kid asked as he pulled away and looked up with big round eyes. Logan smiled and nodded. "Even more cookies?"

This made the logical Side really laugh, earning a big smile from Patton. "Especially more cookies."

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now