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3rd Person's POV
Once again, Jaerin was sitting on the coach in the dorm feeling like a nervous wreck. Jackson was coming to fetch her to the recording studio to record Spring Day in the morning.
Jaerin had wild thoughts again. What if her voice cracked while recording? What if she embarrass herself? She started warming up her voice immediately.
However, the boys were frustrated. Jaerin was going out with Jackson again. Jealousy surged into their bodies. Their jaws were clenched tightly as they thought that this time, Jaerin was going out with Jackson alone.
Suddenly, the doorbell interrupted their train of thoughts. With shaky hands, Jaerin opened the door. In front of her face was a familar and handsome face. Jackson. Uncontrollably, Jaerin smiled widely and exclaimed excitedly,

Jaerin: Annyeong, oppa!

Jackson: Annyeong! Should we get going to the recording studio?

Jaerin nodded her head as she started walking excitedly beside Jackson. Seeing Jaerin so happy, Jackson smiled at her, thinking that she was super cute. They got into Jackson's car and Jackson immediately drove off. When they reached the recording studio, they went into the recording studio and started warming up their voices and looking at the song, Spring Day's lyrics.
They decided to get started on recording. Jackson would rap and Jaerin would sing. Sometimes, since there were too little rap lines in Spring Day, Jackson rapped some of the vocal lines instead. Basically, the song they recorded was not exactly the same as the original Spring Day. They were not quite finished with the recording but, since it was almost lunch time, Jackson decided to ask Jaerin,

Jackson: Jaerin, do you want to go to a restaurant for lunch?

Jaerin: Oh, is it almost lunch time? I thought it was still 10 o'clock!

Jackson chuckled at Jaerin's cuteness.

Jackson: Yup, it is lunch time. Should we go to my favourite restaurant? It is nearby.

Jaerin: Sure!

Internally, Jaerin's heart was exploding. She eating with Jackson? No way! She was happily skipping beside Jackson as they left the recording studio. They put on their mask and started walking to the nearby restaurant.
When they reached, they ordered some food.

Jackson: Hey, Jaerin, do you wanna take a picture and post it on twitter?

Jaerin nodded her head. Jackson took out his phone and leaned towards Jaerin As he was leaning, Jaerin's cheeks were starting to get hotter. Her heart started pumping faster. She was worried that Jackson could hear her loud and fast heartbeat. Finally, Jackson took a picture.

(Just imagine that his face was close to Jaerin's)Jackson posted it on twitter and was bombarded with loads of comments

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(Just imagine that his face was close to Jaerin's)
Jackson posted it on twitter and was bombarded with loads of comments.


Got7lover: Omg! Is Jackson oppa with Jaerin unnie?!

Jacksonfuturegf: Urgh! Isn't Jaerin already happy with 7 hot boys? Why is she hogging Jackson oppa now?

BamBam4life: Omg! R they dating or something?!

ProShipper: I ship it! Jaeson or Jackrin?

Jinyounglover: Jaeson!!!

Jackson just laughed it off, showed Jaerin the comments on his phone's screen and said,

Jackson: Aren't they weird? Shipping every single kpop idol together?

Jaerin: Ye...yeah.

Jaerin could feel heat rising in her cheeks. Her heart pounded rapidly. She could not believe fans actually would ship her and Jackson together. Her and Jackson!!! In her heart, Jaerin was doing her 'happy dance'.
Finally, their food arrived. Hungrily, they took off their masks and started devouring their food.
After eating, Jackson asked,

Jackson: Do you want to record after lunch? Or do you wanna record it tommorrow?

Jaerin: Let's just finish it after lunch.

Jackson nodded but before he could say anything, a swarm of ARMYs and IGot7s surrounded them, taking out their phones to take pictures of Jackson and Jaerin.

Fan: Omg!!! Are you guys Jackson and Jaerin from Got7 and BTS?!

Jackson looked at you signalling hints to you to tell you to run away. He held his finger and put up one finger, then two, then three. Jaerin immediately knew what he meant. He was counting one, two, three. On three, they both started sprinting, running away from the crowd that was gathering around the table they were sitting at previously.
Jaerin looked back to see many people, mostly girls, running after them, holding up their phones to take pictures of Jackson and her. She ran as fast as her legs could go.
Jackson suddenly made an abrupt turn to the left. Shocked, Jaerin followed him. They ended in an alley. They hid at a corner of the alley. Then, they put their hands on their thighs and bent down, panting heavily. Beads of sweat were trickling down both if their faces.

Jackson:! I...did...not know...that you were...such...a good runner!

Jackson exclaimed in between heavy breaths. Jaerin just nodded her head slightly. After a few minutes of resting, Jackson and Jaerin were not tired anymore and confirmed that there was no more people.
However, they realised they got a terrible muscle ache.
They both decided to grab a cab as they were too tired to walk back to the recording studio.
They stood there waiting for a cab to show up. When a cab came, they waved their hands frantically. Finally, a cab pulled over. They got into the cab and told the driver to drive them to the recording studio. When they reached, the taxi driver said,

Taxi driver: 200 won.

Jackson payed for the ride. They entered the recording studio and finished recording Spring Day. Suddenly, Jaerin's phone rang. A calm voice started talking...

Author's Note
Annyeong!!! Thank you for reading my story! AND, THANK YOU 4 700 VIEWS!!! WE ARE ALREADY CLOSE TO 800!!! OMG! SO CLOSE TO 1000!!! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY STORY! OKAY, i am calming down. Plus, I hope you guys will leave more comments as i will know where to improve on. However, do NOT type hate comments! Saranghae!💕💖💗

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