Chapter Forty Eight

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"There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory."

- Sir Francis Drake

"Fresh air, here we come." Sam's nostrils flared to inhale deeply the moment the three crawled out of the dusty and claustrophobic vent, leading them to the outside.

Along the walls there were several patches of flowers and plants that added a pop of colour to the already colourful buildings and the view of the ocean only made Ava internally satisfied. Ava would say that the best scenery you would ever lay your eyes on is the ocean- that's where she ran to for months, escaping the noisy and busy world for just a moment. The moment she escaped, Ava didn't want the bustling city, she wanted to be away from the gazes of any human being for awhile. Living on a boat near a village in Puerto Rico gave her the satisfaction and bliss she was running after- snorkeling everyday, everything silent but the random creaks of the boat and the waves crashing was the only thing that woke her up for tomorrow.

While Nathan and Nora thought that Ava locking herself up in solitude on a mini boat was just another way of healing, they knew that it was for too long. They believed that it might drive the woman insane in the end. As they were about to head to Puerto Rico to fetch Ava and get her back on her feet after giving her her needed space, Sully thought otherwise. Sully urged the couple to stay back while he went and fetched Ava himself.

Sam urging his younger brother and Ava to hurry up towards yet another gate, pulled Ava out of her own thoughts.

"Hey check this out." Sam spoke to the two, "see that building with the radio tower?"

Ava and Nathan immediately scrunched their eyebrows in confusion for Sam's choice of words and while Ava said nothing at all, Nathan did otherwise.

"You mean the cell tower?"

"The what?" Sam said irritatedly. "Whatever. Listen, that's the power room."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's see how we get past this gate." Nathan brushed off his older brother- Ava in the middle of them, each of her palm resting on each of the brother's shoulders as she leaned in between the two of them.

Moving away to look around, Ava caught a ladder right beside the gate. "Hey, you guys- look."

"All right, great- Sam, I'll boost you up." Nathan immediately crouched, putting out his arms, ready to give his scrawny older brother a quick boost as Ava watched out for anymore armed goons patrolling the area.

Boosting Sam up was done swiftly, Nathan watched his brother grab the ladder and climb effortlessly, impressed by how his agility was unaffected by prison. "Hey good thing you kept in shape."

"He just got a lil' scrawny." Ava whispered loudly on purpose to Nathan for Sam to hear but Nathan nodded in agreement.

"Ya know I can hear you." Sam called out as Ava slightly giggled. Teasing aside, Sam kicked down the ladder for them to head up. "There ya go."

"Ladies first." Nathan got out of the way for Ava to climb first.

"Chivalry is dead, handsome." Now it was Nathan's turn to be teased by Ava.

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