Chapter Twelve

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"Let's jump on board, and cut them to pieces."


Ava and Nora spent their girls night out shopping in the supermarket close to midnight. The Drake brothers didn't pass by their apartment that day and the two ladies took it as an opportunity to spend some quality time together, buying groceries. The two, dressed in their pajamas circled the supermarket aimlessly after throwing in their needed items in the trolley.

Like old times, Ava hopped in the trolley and swung her legs at the edge of the trolley. Even though her butt hurt from the uncomfortable metal pressed up against her, Ava always had to sit in the trolley at least once in awhile.

Nora noticed something worrying Ava, however, and decided to approach the subject cautiously and slowly.

"You're still gonna let me push you around while you're in the trolley?" Nora raised a brow as the two women browsed the ice cream aisle.

"Old habits die hard. I'm a kid at heart, Nora. I can't change that." Ava had a hint of amusement in her voice but as always, Nora the wise, knew her friend better.

A memory flooded back to both of the girls, it was when Sullivan used to take care of them. He'd push the trolley while Ava sat inside and Nora was by Sullivan's side. As they grew older and older, Nora and Ava bought their own groceries along with Sullivan's. So instead of Sullivan pushing Ava in the trolley, Nora took the responsibility.

"So, have you pick pocketed anyone lately?" Nora asked.

"Nope." Ava popped the P as she stood up on the trolley and grabbed an ice cream from the shelf.

"How come? Something on your mind?" At the look of Ava's face, Nora knew she was getting there. She had to hold back her small smile of achievement.

Ava sat back down in the trolley lazily, receiving weird looks from the people who were shopping late just like them. "No. Yes. I don't know."

At Ava's helpless sigh, Nora was astonished. She didn't know her friend had it this bad.

"Care to tell me what's on your mind, darling?" Nora said teasingly, hoping to lighten the mood so the seriousness wouldn't strain her dear friend.

"It's Sam." Ava curled up in the trolley, as if ashamed by her confession. But Nora knew that Sam would be the answer to her question all along anyway. As Ava took the time to explain what happened two nights ago to Nora in the carnival, they passed thru each aisle once more, Nora knew what her friend's dilemma was.

"I think you're scared, love."

"How the hell am I scared?" Ava said in disbelief as she furrowed her brows, perking up slightly at Nora's evaluation.

"I know you're scared. Sam's feelings towards you, scares you. You are definitely scared of being attached too. I know he makes you nervous and I know that because...well, because I don't think anyone made you feel that way before. Even Rafe. I think it's all new to you."

Ava blinked her eyes several times before clearing her throat, "you know, it's not nice when you know everything about me."

"I've lived with you long enough. You're an open book." Nora smiled.

But while Nora was certain of Ava's emotional distress, Ava at this point wasn't sure of anything. Ava knew she wasn't a person who would evaluate her feelings like Nora did, Ava was more of a person who ignored her feelings. If she felt angry or sad, she'd either drink, smoke or find a distraction and face it at night when she was struggling to sleep because of it. Many times Nora warned her friend that it was an unhealthy coping strategy but Ava simply can't help it. 

Leaving the supermarket and strolling in Sullivan's house, the whole time Ava's mind was somewhere else. She was thinking over why Sam pecked her on her lips. She knew he was flirty, quite ominous too. While her mind kept running and exhausting her, Ava's hands kept shuffling the cards in her hand, her fingers running on the edges of the plastic cards. she came to a conclusion that Sam didn't mean anything by it. That Sam, perhaps, was too in the moment. 

Ava, sighing silently to herself in slight disappointment, she flicked her attention back at Sullivan and Nora who were shuffling their decks of cards- beers on each side of their table. 

Beyond Infinity - Sam DrakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang