Chapter Two

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"I am sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you needn't be hanged like a dog."
-Anne Bonny

Ava was sweating bullets as she sat beside a grinning Nora. The ladies waited in the bar for Nathan to arrive with Sam, Nora knew she was going to enjoy it but Ava thought otherwise.
Waiting for the two to arrive was slowly killing her, Ava's legs couldn't stop bouncing.

"Look, they're finally here." Nora boomed waving at Nathan who was trying to find their table in the crowd.

"Oh no- stop waving are you mad?!" Ava jumped over Nora to try and escape to the bathroom only to be yanked in her seat again.

"I'm not letting you go that easy." Nora said as she watched Sam and Nathan inch closer to them. Nora's smirk matched Nathan's as they watched Sam lay his eyes on Ava. First it was confusion then realization and recognition written on his face.​

"Sam- you remember Nora right?" Sam and Nora embraced cheerfully before letting each other go.

"How can I forget, eh?" Sam said.

"It's been a long time. Nice to see you again, Sam." Nora smiled, "oh I believe you two haven't met before- this is Ava Black."

As Sam's mischievous eyes drifted to Ava's orbs, Ava's stomach started to whirl madly. Sam took her hand and shook it with a grip, "you seem so familiar, have I seen you before?"

He was teasing her. She knew it. It was written all over his face and his tone was mocking.

"No. No, you might have the wrong person." Ava cleared her throat, yanking her hand away only making Sam smirk widely. 

The four sat in their designated table, all of them leaning in closer as they started to speak about Henry Avery's treasures. "The first clue is in Panama." Nathan said as his eyes lingered on Nora and Ava instantly noticed something in the air between them, but she couldn't identify what it was exactly. 

"Mhm, that's right- but the thing is...we have to get thru the Panamanian prison." Sam continued. 

"How we gonna get in? I mean- isn't that the mens' prison?" Nora's eyes landed on Nathan before giving him a small smile and instantly, Ava had an idea of what was happening between the two. 

They were both crushing on each other like middle school kids. 

"That's simple. You two have to disguise yourselves." Nathan chimed beamingly as if it was so simple. 

"How- dude, don't you see these? Where are we gonna put them!" Ava pointed at her breasts and Nora's, making Sam's eyes drift down to her chest- raising his eyebrows as he grinned in approval. 

"Wait- I watched a movie before where a girl snuck into this high school thing, pretending to be her brother. She used some gauze or something to wrap her chest, making it flat. I don't think that'll be a problem." Nora said. "But I think we need a getaway, how about I do that, hm? a getaway van or...oh! A helicopter." 

While Nora was getting excited about the idea of a helicopter-even though she couldn't fly one- Sam pulled out a map from his pocket. 

"Uh, sorry to disappoint Nora but I think we need a getaway boat." The prison was surrounded by the ocean and some parts of the prison and outside the prison were marked on the small map. 

"I can handle a boat." Nora said, quite disappointed. 

"We need you in that prison with us." Nathan said. 

Ava smirked before chiming in, "We need her in the prison or do you need her in the prison?"

"Shut up." Nora tapped Ava on her rib with her elbow making her chuckle as Nathan's cheeks went red while he smiled to himself. 

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