Chapter Twenty Two

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"As to hanging, it is no great hardship. For were it not for that, every cowardly fellow would turn pirate and so unfit the sea, that men of courage must starve."

-Anne Bonny

Rapid and harsh knocking on the door disturbed Ava's reading session as she laid on her belly on the messy bed.

"Alright, alright!" She rushed to the door only to reveal a disheveled Rafe, leaning in the doorway.

Ava couldn't help but raise her brows and smirk, "can you be any more loud, Rafe?"

"Cut the sarcasm, Black." Rafe furrowed his brows as he harshly shoved the receipt in her hand, "care to tell me why you ordered this much dessert? And what about the 700 Balboa champagne?" Rafe hissed as Ava's eyes scanned the piece of paper.

While Ava's eyes indulged in the receipt, it was immediately snatched away from her.

"Sorry 'bout that Rafe, we were just having a lil' fun. I'm sure you'll understand." Rafe's eyes widened at a wet Sam with a towel around his waist, his hair was dripping wet and a few landed on Ava's shoulder.

Rafe cleared his throat as his eyes slowly shifted back to Ava, "that doesn't explain the champagne."

"We thought you would be okay with it." Ava finally said, "after all, I'm certain this isn't the first over priced champagne you've bought?"

"No. No, it's not." Rafe spoke thru gritted teeth.

"I'll tell you what-" Sam began, "Ava and I'll pay you back after this whole gig is over. Whaddya say, buddy?"

Rafe let out a little sigh before he shifted his weight on his feet, "fine." As he made his way, he strutted back and pointed his finger at the two. "We're leaving in an hour, you two better be ready by then."

"Oh, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Ava said, smiling brightly before shutting the door.

As she turned around to take a peek at Sam who was throwing his clothes on the bed, Ava bit her lower lip, trying to hold back her smirk. "Did I tell you- I really do prefer you naked."

Sam's famous boyish grin appeared once more, "I know right? It's a shame clothes have to conceal this gift." Sam pointed to his body, "I'm sexy as hell."

"Oh God, I take back what I said." Ava rolled her eyes as she shook her head. Sam lunged towards her and grabbed her wrist, smacking her body into his.

"Oh don't you dare take it back!"

"I already took it back!"

"Technically, you can't really take back what you have said." Sam engulfed his arms around her, lifting her up playfully as he started to tickle Ava who was squealing in his hold.

"Not in my book!" Ava managed to get free, and in a swift motion, Ava ripped away the towel from his torso.

Sam, standing totally naked, raised a brow, "really?"

"Well, I'm famished." Ava said in a purr as she eyed Sam.

"I'm guessing that you're thinking of a round three?"

Beyond Infinity - Sam DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now