Chapter Thirty One

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"Okay, I seriously think something is up with Ava." Ever since Rafe bought the land around the Cathedral using his parents' money, it's been weeks since the group were running around trying to find any sort of clue that'll lead them to Avery's treasure. But each day, the group always ended the day with disappointment because of not finding anything at all. But besides that, back at the hotel- Nora shared a room with Ava and began to notice the unusual habits that were slowly popping up, and she only thought it was appropriate to tell Sully and Nathan.

"Like what?" Nathan and Sully said together as Nora stood in front of them, cracking her knuckles.

"Okay, well, first of all- she's always snacking in the middle of the night." Nora said. "I keep waking up because she keeps rummaging the fridge, and don't get me started on her crunching."

"She always does that." Sully cocked his brow as he remembered those days where Ava always managed to find the snacks he hid in the fridge and always ended up stealing his last beer. "what's your point?"

"My point is- Ava has been puking so much lately." Nora leaned in and whispered harshly to them, afraid Ava'll walk in any minute since their rooms were conjoint. Nora recognized the horrid facial expression that drew on Sully's face, she only assumed that was how she looked like when she connected the dots too.

"Oh no, do you think Ava's gotten sick because of the cold?" Nora and Sully turned to Nathan with gaped mouths, surprised that he didn't connect the dots that easily.

"Are you daft?" Nathan's eyes widened at Nora's little outburst.

Sully scoffed as he scratched the top of his head, his cigar in his other hand. "No-goddamn-way, sweetheart. It's impossible."

"Am I the only one that doesn't get it?" Nathan said in frustration as his eyes darted between Nora and Sully.

"That doesn't get what?" Ava's sudden presence in the room jolted the three of them, frightening them half to death.

"N-Nothing!" The three said in unison as Ava eyed them suspiciously.

"Okaaayyy..." Sully awkwardly smiled to Ava, only making her more suspicious, but she soon forgot about the whole scenario when her eyes landed on the plate of sandwich next to Sullivan. "Hey, uh, Sully? Are you gonna eat that?"

"N-No, not at all- help yourself, sweetheart."

As Ava made her way to Sully's plate of unfinished sandwich, Nora eyed Sully and nodded Ava's way. "I told you." Nora mouthed to Sully and as Ava turned around to face Nora, an immediate smile spread across Nora's lips.

Taking a bite of the chicken sandwich to silence her sudden hunger, Ava spoke with her mouth full. "You guysh are acting weird."

"I know right." Nathan whispered to himself, scoffing.

"Rafe?" Ava knocked on his door a several times. "We're ready to go, you in there?" She patiently waited for Rafe to open the door, but a minute had passed and she only thought that maybe the man was asleep, or in the bathroom.

As she opened his door, she was slightly surprised that it was unlocked. "Rafe?"

But something else surprised her. "Oh God- I'm so sorry." Ava immediately turned around at an almost naked Rafe. She was only thankful that he had his boxers on as he rummaged through his closet.

"You know- you've seen all this before." Rafe said in a matter of fact as he pulled a t-shirt from the hanger.

"That doesn't mean I want to see it again- Jesus, why didn't you say something when I was at the door?"

"I didn't hear you- I was in the bathroom."

Ava suddenly felt very awkward and decided that leaving the room would be best, until Rafe decided to speak first.

"It's alright you can turn around now." As Ava hesitantly turned around, she groaned at a grinning Rafe who had his t-shirt and jeans in his hands, still naked.

"I hate you." Ava grumbled only making Rafe snicker as she immediately left his room.

"You know, I don't think this is going anywhere." Nora spoke as her eyes started to tear up from the biting cold. Today, the group split up once again to find a clue. While Rafe explored the other side of the Cathedral with Nathan, Nora and Ava were exploring their side of the Cathedral together. Ava and Nora both silently recognized that they haven't worked together in so long that they savoured every moment between them.

"Let's j-just look around more alright?" Ava tugged her jacket around her body tighter, suddenly feeling like the floor was shifting under her feet as a naustiating wave hit her.

"We have been looking." Nora sighed and stopped in her track, "I think we should stop."

Ava turned around only to scoff at her friend, "don't tell me you want to quit this."

"I'm sorry, Ava. But that's exactly what I'm saying. We're not getting anywhere with this- we're stuck because we missed something."

"Dude, just-" Nora watched as Ava's eyes blinked slowly, a little gasp escaped her lips as she swayed on her feet. Nora immediately lunged forward and grabbed Ava before she could fall.

"You alright?"

Ava scoffed, clutching on Nora's shoulders tightly as everything started to turn- she closed her eyes tightly hoping that it'll help. "I-I think I'm just getting sick."

Nora picked up on Ava's doubtful tone. It seemed like the both of them were aware that it was probably something else other than being sick.

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