Chapter Twenty Seven

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"There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory." 
― Francis Drake 

It seemed like it was a trend of throwing yourself into solitary amongst the group. Not only did Ava and Nora got the luxury of ticking 'throw yourself to the shit box for a week' off their wish list, but Nate managed it too.

Three days ago, Ava cheered on Nathan as he too, threw himself into a fist fight. Ava, however, was disappointed, the bet she placed on Nathan to win the fist fight match cut to an end when Vargas grabbed Nathan away from the little man.

"Bummer, I was really rooting for him." Ava tsked, "I really did want those cigarettes."

Nora eyed her friend suspiciously, " only smoke when you're stressed out...I-I think Sam's rubbing off on you."

Ava smiled cheekily and wiggled her brows. "Oh, he definitely did more than rubbing."

"What are you- oh, no." Nora's face went bitter at the thought of Sam and Ava doing the deed. "You-did-not-do-it. In jail?! With all the inmates surrounding you guys?" Nora spoke, unbelievably.

"Believe what you want, love." Ava sang with a cheeky smile.

"I don't want to hear more of this- we end this conversation right now." Nora shuddered and Ava took it as an opportunity to tease her friend.

Ava moaned in delight as she bit her lower lip, "oh, Nora! It was incredible! The chemistry, the love-"

"If you don't shut the hell up- Imma punch you real hard." Ava snickered as she bumped her shoulder with Nora's playfully.

Currently though, in their last week of being in prison, the group waited for Nate's arrival anxiously.

Nora and Ava leaned back on the bleachers where they could see Sam, once again, hustling the other inmates to win over their cigarettes.

Ava's stomach churned loudly and she groaned in desperation, "I swear I could eat an elephant the moment we get outta here."

"What's up with you? You've been hungrier than usual throughout the day."

"Can you fucking blame me? The food here stinks." Ava groaned again but Nora tapped her arm harshly to catch Ava's attention.

"Hey, look- Sam and Nate are calling us over. Come on." Nora immediately rushed over to the Drake brothers and Rafe without waiting for Ava.

As Ava caught up quickly, she saw Nora's excited bright eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"So- did you find anything?" Nora asked Nathan excitedly.

Ava's eyes traveled from the excited Nora to the cheeky and proud grin that was on Sam's face. 

"Sam was right." Nathan said. 

"We were right." Sam corrected for the second time as he threw his decaying cigarette on the dirt and smooshed it with the end of his boot. 

"Alright now, can we please go somewhere more private?" Rafe finally sighed and said, his dull eyes traveling to Ava's. "We've got a problem." 

"What problem?" Ava and Nora asked in sync. 

"Vargas read the letter- c'mon, I'll explain on the way." Nate said as he lead the group. 

Sam noticed Ava's uneasiness as she remembered what went down that day between her and Alexander as they made their way to the laundry area. Ava was only glad that Sam was the only one who knew, she didn't want Nate and Nora worrying and she certainly didn't want Rafe to say anything she didn't want to hear. 

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