Chapter Twenty Eight

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"A merry life and a short one shall be my motto."

-Bartholomew Roberts 

"Rafe, where we going here?" Sam called out as the group rushed out Vargas' office and left his corps behind. As Ava's forehead drenched in sweat, she could feel her heart bang against her rib cage that it started to physically hurt. She swore if her heart went against Muhammad Ali in a boxing match, her heart would surely win. 

"The lighthouse. Vargas said the boat is right under the lighthouse." As the group ran away quickly, they tried their best to avoid the guards who were now shooting at them. Nora ducked an incoming bullet and lost her balance. 

"But which way?" Ava heard Sam call out as Ava immediately grabbed her friend by the wrist and pulled her up. 

"C'mon." Ava pushed Nora forward beside Nathan after Nora thanked her friend. 

"I don't know. We'll get outside and figure it out." Rafe said as they all climbed down the flight of stairs. "Shit! Dead end." Rafe cried out and immediately Sam was the first to act. 

He scrambled on his feet before his eyes laid on the window. "uh...the window." 

"Nathan, give me a hand." Sam urged his brother but Nora and Ava immediately rushed towards the Drake brothers and helped them push the window open. 

"Hurry up." As Rafe urged, Ava groaned in irritation. 

"You're not the one doing the work here, Rafe!" Ava hissed as she pushed harder as the guards started shooting their way. 

"There, it's open!" Nathan allowed Nora to climb over first and he was right behind her, Ava following his tail. 

"We got it!" Sam said to Rafe as he jumped over. 

"Then go!" Rafe said back at Sam as he shot one of the guards. 

As the four jumped on the other side of one of the metal roof, Nathan spoke in agitation. "I don't see the lighthouse." 

"Right now let's just get away from the guards." Rafe caught up to the four as they jumped down from the roof. 

The wailing siren hurt Nora's ears, but it only made Ava more nervous as the bad feeling in her gut kept growing and growing, almost taking over her. 

"Through here!" Sam lunged over the metal piece as Ava followed his lead. 

"Don't Stop! Keep going." Rafe called out as he was the last of them to follow, Ava suddenly could feel her legs tremble when she stopped to turn a sharp corner. 

  "Watch yourself!" Sam warned the group as the guards shot at them. 

"Ah, crap." Nathan said as he duck down and pulled Nora down with him. 

"Over there, to the left." Ava took another sharp turn following Sam's lead, she turned around to make sure Nora and Nathan were still following close by. Nora noticed her concern and immediately called out to her, "we're fine! keep going, keep going!" 

Beyond Infinity - Sam DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now