Chapter Eight

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"As to hanging, it is no great hardship. For were it not for that, every cowardly fellow would turn pirate and so unfit the sea, that men of courage must starve."
-Anne Bonny

"So...when's Ava coming back home?" Sam spoke in a sigh. Nora and Nathan flirting back and forth innocently was killing Sam slowly.

"About that...Ava is bringing a guy over." Nora spoke casually while Sam choked on his own spit.

"Wait, what?" Sam said in astonishment, "why?!"

Nathan was fast to identify the jealousy in his brother's tone and he couldn't help but smirk to himself.

Nora sighed, also catching up on Sam. "Don't worry, Sam. It's not her boyfriend or anything like that...she's just bringing him over to, you know, get his money."

Before Sam could utter another pained response, Ava arrived with her guest. Who appeared to be tall and handsome.

"Speak of the devil." Sam said to himself, only to receive a jab in the rib from Nora.

"Hello, friends!" Ava said, tossing the house key in the bowl, "meet my new victim, Tommy!"

Tommy chuckled in delight and Sam couldn't help but scoff. This guy was oblivious to what Ava had in mind, he was literally her new victim. And it wasn't what the man was fantasizing about.

The blue eyed Tommy waved at the three before Ava ushered him to her room, suddenly a painful jab occurred in his chest and it wasn't because of Nathan.

"You know, Nora, I think someone's jeaaallouuuussss!" Nathan sang cheerfully. Nathan was only glad that maybe finally, his older brother was not only connected to a female thru sexual desires, but feelings too.

Sam rolled his eyes as he perked up his head using his palm.

"Don't worry, Sam. I know my girl, she has eyes for you. She only has to pay a few people back- she needs the money." Nora's comforting pat on the shoulder was not comforting at all.

Sam couldn't help but imagine all the things they were doing in the room. He tried so hard to shove the thoughts in a box and lock it away but nothing was helping. Even watching Nathan and Nora flirting like middle school teens didn't help to push away the thoughts.

"I'm not jealous." Sam said, defending himself. But Nora and Nathan knew better.

Sam and the rest watched Ava kick the poor man out of the apartment and as Ava turned around, a big accomplished smile was on her face. "You guys should've seen what he had in his wallet! He's loaded!"

Ava dug into her bra only to show off the 800 dollars she stole. "I think he's rich or something."

"Oh, I bet." Sam said bitterly.

"You do remember that we gotta pay the rent right? So don't buy anything with that." Nora spoke, her eyes glued to the screen as she watched Nathan play Crash.

Ava sat beside Sam on the sofa and crossed her legs, her knee digging in his thigh.

She leaned in closer to the man and whispered closely to his ear, "hey do you wanna get outta here? I think these two are getting along more than I expected. If you know what I mean."

"I think I'm gonna call a rain check on that one." Sam's bitter mood didn't go unnoticed and when he peeled himself off of the sofa, Ava's confused eyes met Nathan and Nora's.

"What's wrong with him?" She whispered to them as Sam excused himself out of the apartment. The two, who were sat on the floor, shrugged and before Ava knew it, her feet were dragging her- chasing after Sam.

"Sam? Hey, hold up." Ava's hand gripped his bicep and slightly pulled him back, an unlit cigarette between his fingers.

"Here's the money I stole from you..." Ava shoved the money in his Hawaiian t-shirt with a nervous chuckle.

Ava couldn't leave Sam in a bitter mood so she decided to push away her nervousness and approached the man. "If you...if you, I don't know, wanna talk about something that's bothering you. Know that I'm all ears."

Ava tried not to be awkward and silly but Sam's silence wasn't helping at all. It just made her more nervous. It also pushed her to do the unthinkable.

Going on her tippy toes and placing her hands on Sam's shoulder for balance, she kissed his cheek.

At the action, Sam's hand instantly flew to grip onto Ava's waist, pulling her closer. He dipped his head to kiss.

His forehead rested on hers while their noses were lightly pressed together. Ava's heart started to drum in her ears and it physically hurt that it was boxing against her chest.

The intensity in Sam's eyes was something Ava couldn't forget. His hazel eyes locked with hers awakened the millions of butterflies in her stomach, his intense eyes made her hold her breath without knowing so.

With a great urge to kiss her, Sam knew he couldn't do it now, he just couldn't. He pulled back slowly, hooking his arm around her waist only to lightly kiss her forehead.

"Thanks." Sam muttered before leaving Ava to stand all by herself outside of her apartment.


AN: Alright, alright! I know this might be going slow, I know. But I wanted more time with Sam and Ava's relationship. I wanna build it! And i wanna strengthen it! But I thank you all for the lovely comments and votes. You guys are the best ❤️.

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