Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six

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I had stayed up for another hour. Crying and sobbing. Diamond made herself comfortable right below my pillow. Eventually I had cried myself on to sleep. No crazy dreams that night. Thank God. Even though I had gone to sleep late, I still woke up early. Aubrey wasn't beside me. I slipped on a warm robe and walked out to the living room. He was passed out on the couch. There was an empty glass on the coffee table. Half a bottle of Hennessy next to it and an empty Heineken. I quietly opened the sliding door that lead to the outdoor living area. It was cold as fuck, but I toughed it out long enough to see the ashtray had three roaches. The end of three blunts. Not only did he get drunk, but was high as fuck too. No wonder why he didn't make it to bed. He needed to sleep that off before he could even think of interacting with me. For that reason, I remained as quiet as possible while I got ready to start my day.

Courtne was here in the city and I had convinced her to work out with me while we talked last night over the phone. Aubrey's trainer, Johnny, and I have been talking about meeting up once we got out here. He had created workout plans especially for me and my baby girl. Our goal was to help me stay fit, broaden his clientele to expectant mothers via social and for me show my followers how I stay healthy.

She was on her way to pick me up. I changed into a pair of yoga pants, sneakers, a Nike hoodie and baseball cap after brushing my teeth. I'm not sure when Aubrey planned on waking up, so I went ahead and put Diamond's food and out in her bowl . She was still sound asleep on the bed. I grabbed a bottled water, granola bar and banana to put something on my stomach although I wasn't really hungry.

Courtne: outside girly

Emilia: coming

Didn't want to wake you. Got up early to work out. Be back later.


I left a note on the coffee table so he'd see it if he decided to get up anytime soon. He'd probably scold me about not having security.  It's not like I was going alone and the gym was ten minutes away according to my phones GPS.

"Hey hot mamma," she smiled as I left myself in her white Mercedes, "how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

We shared a quick hug.

"I'm good. Happy to see you. Your tummy looks like it's grown since the last time I saw you which was like what? A few weeks ago?"

"Yeah, it feels like we're getting bigger by the day."

"What's Aubrey doing? I'm surprised he's not coming along since he's turned into macho man and all."

"He's sleeping," I sighed.

"I don't like how that sounded," she looked at me when we came to a stop at a red light, "is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," I nodded, "he just spent all night in the studio and-"

"Your eyes are slightly puffy like you've been crying all night."

"Being pregnant makes me super emotional. Anything makes me cry nowadays."

"AKA I don't wanna talk about it. It's fine. We don't have to," she said.

"Yeah, let's change the subject please."

"Let's talk about how fab you're going to look Saturday. So, I've been working on some things and I know you tried some outfits in California but I got you hooked up with my good friend, Barbara Aleks."

"Who's that?"

"A personal stylist, interior designer and image consultant based here in Toronto. She's great. I can't tell you how excited she is to show you what she's picked for your event," she grinned, "she's stopping by today."

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